5. The Gifted

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"Bakugou!" Kamiko shouted. 

"Ground Zero, huh. You're weaker than I thought," the werewolf muttered. Clearvo jumped in. He pulled a staff out of a holster on the back of his belt, and stretched it out. He slammed the staff on the werewolf, but the werewolf blocked with his arm. "You're too weak, kid."

"Oh yeah?" Suddenly the werewolf started screaming as electrical current started flowing from the tip of the staff to him.

"Bakugou!" Kamiko ran to Bakugou, who laid in a pile of rubbles. Bakugou pushed the big and small pieces of the cement off of himself. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck off Woman!" Bakugou slapped her hand away. 

"Ground Zero! Iki-san, look out!" Flames started firing towards them, as if someone had a flame thrower. 

"Territory!" Kamiko shouted. The area around her was immediately engulfed in a bubble, and the flames aimed at her and Bakugou simply disappeared at a certain point. 

"The fuck are you doing?!" Bakugou demanded.

"I'm saving your ass!"

"I don't need saving!" Bakugou yelled back. "And don't use your quirk, you'll make the buildings behind us catch on fire!"

"That won't happen," Kamiko answered. "Look behind you." Bakugou turned his head around. It's true, the flames were nowhere to be seen.


"Instead of releasing the attack 180 degrees behind, I angled it 90 degrees. Because my territory is a spherical bubble, right now the flames are released ten meters into the ground." Bakugou had to admit that was a very smart move. The dirt isn't going to catch on fire, so other than turning the ground below into infertile soil, she's basically causing no damage. God damn it!

Bakugou stood up, and pushed Kamiko to the side. "Let me out."

"Baku- Ground Zero, listen. I think they baited you here purposely. This isn't just some normal villain attack. I think their target is you!"

"I can tell dumbass!" Bakugou shouted back at her. "Now let me out!"

Kamiko was starting to get angry. Her fists clenched tightly and she glared at the man before her. "Just calm the fuck down will you? We don't know how many of them there are! And if you go wild here you'll blow the apartment buildings!"

"She's right Ground Zero!" Clearvo jumped inside Kamiko's territory. "See that flame throwing guy over there?" The flames cleared up, revealing a tall, slim male wearing a dull grey hoodie and a pair of black jeans. "He was just a few blocks down a while ago. Because of the way he's dressed he blended in with the other civilians in the area. If what Iki-san says is right, then I see a few other civilians in the area that may or may not be enemy in disguise!"

"We need help from the other hero agencies to evacuate the civilians!" Kamiko told Bakugou.

"I don't fucking need help! I'll take care of all of them in an instant." Bakugou growled.

"Then at least let me help you! Bakugou, you know with my quirk, I can keep the damage to the surrounding at the bare minimum!"

"No! You stay out of this!"


"Boss there's more coming!"

From all sides, there seem to be people coming, whether it's on foot or by air. "I'm going to expand my territory. Inside here you can go all out. I'll deal with damage control."

"I said it don't need it didn't I?!"

"Iki-san just do it!"

Expand! Kamiko's bubble tripled in size in a blink of an eye. Even though Bakugou said he doesn't need her help, he gladly used this opportunity to fire one of his big explosions at the flame thrower. "Compared to Endeavor's flames. You are fucking weak!" Bakugou shouted.

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now