38. Mario Kart

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"Come again!"

Bakugou breathed out in relief, for Kamiko finally seemed to calm down. But for some reason she doesn't seem very happy. She nibbled at the cone, taking in tiny bites at a time. Her eyes were dazed, and her expression difficult to read. Is she still upset? Tch... That old man... Bakugou had the urge to beat up his own dad, but held it back because he knew Mitsuki would have his head. 

So not his girlfriend, then maybe he doesn't actually like me as much as I thought he did. Akemi was right. I should really confirm how he feels, or else I might be investing too much into this, Kamiko thought. She looked up at Bakugou, and caught him looking at her. The moment their eyes met, her eyes softened at his red orbs, and her mouth curved into a small smile as her head tilted just a little. 

Bakugou almost fainted right then and there. W-W-What the fuck is that look?! Why is she smiling at me like that?! Fuck does she smile like this to other guys?! Stop smiling like that you're giving me a heart attack!



Pink dusted over her cheeks. Kamiko opened her mouth, but closed it back up. After a few seconds, she finally brought up the courage to ask him, "Are we....a thing?"

"Hah?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" Bakugou demanded. Isn't it obvious? "What kind of dumb question is that?" He turned his face away as he felt the blood rising towards his cheeks. Crap, I just admitted it. I fucking admitted it.

Oh.... Kamiko's smile stiffened. Smile. Smile. This is what you expected right? Just smile. Now you know how he feels. Plus, this doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like me. He probably...just isn't ready to be in a relationship. I can wait... "I see!" The ice cream cone in her hand cracked, and the vanilla ice cream started seeping over her fingers. "Uh oh." She brought her hands to her lips to clean up the melted ice cream. She then focused on finishing the ice cream, instead of the aching in her chest. 

Bakugou raised a brow. 'I see'? What does she mean by 'I see'? Bakugou turned his head over to peek at her, only to see her licking up her ice cream from her hands. He gulped when he saw her drag her tongue up the side of her hand, across her fingers. Blood started pumping really fast in his body, and he could feel a certain part of him begin to grow in excitement. He immediately turned his head back around. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!

Kamiko was really quiet after that. She still smiled at him, but somehow he felt like the smile didn't reach her eyes. She'd answer to his parents with a polite smile and a cheery tone, but it didn't feel right to him. Maybe she was still a little upset and emotional because of earlier today...

After dinner, Kamiko offered to help clean up, as she would normally do at home, but Mitsuki quickly denied her help. "Thank you dear, but you just go and relax. Let Katsuki put on a movie or something! Katsuki!"

"Yeah, yeah, I can hear you," Bakugou clicked his tongue. "Come on, don't just stand there." Kamiko hesitated for a few seconds, but decided to follow the blonde hero. His canine doppelganger trotted behind her at the ankle. She let out a soft chuckle before picking Katsuki Nigou up from the ground. "Ugh, why are you bringing that thing?"

"Hehehe~ He likes me!" Kamiko giggled as the dog licked her on the chin. Rage erupting inside Bakugou like a volcano, he shot a death glare at the damn dog, who eyed him with a smug, as if saying 'she likes me better.'

Katsuki Nigou doesn't necessarily like Kamiko as much as she thinks he does. He just hates Bakugou so much that he wants to steal all the love and affection from him, whether it be from his parents or this new girlfriend he brought back. Heh, this little bitch of yours is mine now! How do you like that? Nigou smirked at the human.

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