45. Apology

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Officer Iki sighed as he waited by the police car. That girl, when will she ever fix that habit of running off when she's not happy? He wondered. The middle aged man looked down at the bag she left, and then at the direction she ran off to. Selfish... Why did I have to use that word? He rubbed his temple.

From the corner of his eyes he saw two silhouettes walking towards him. When he looked closely he realized it was Ground Zero and his daughter. His eyes expanded slowly when he noticed their hands. Kamiko's hand seemed to have disappeared in his big green gloves as he led her back. Her eyes were red and puffy with obvious indication that she had just spent the last few minutes crying. 

"Ground Zero, I'm so sorry about her. She must have caused you a lot of trouble," Officer Iki immediately apologized when the two of them came back.

"No, ol- sir, on the contrary, she's been nothing but helpful. I will be taking her back to Tsukuba now. Our train leaves this afternoon." Bakugou eyed the older Iki with brows slightly knitted. The police was slightly taken aback by the sudden animosity shown by the young hero, but he wasn't fazed.

"I'm sorry Ground Zero, but I think Kamiko should stay. She's caused you enough trouble and I think she'll be safer here."

"You saying I can't protect her?" Bakugou glared at the older man. The respect he's been trying to show the older man for being Kamiko's father completely dissipated.

"Sorry, that's not what I was trying to imply," Officer Iki apologized. "I just think it's time Kamiko gets some proper training and do something proper with her life. You're a hero too, so you must understand. Her talent isn't meant to be wasted, especially not on something as meaningless as art." 

Kamiko felt tears start to well up in her eyes again. Her jaws clenched tight together as she tried to hold herself back from crying again. Bakugou could feel her hand tremble inside his, and he tightened his grip. 

"YOU'RE FUCKING MEANINGLESS! SHE'S A GROWN ASS WOMAN AND SHE CAN DO WHAT SHE FUCKING WANTS! DON'T YOU FUCKING CALL HER ART MEANINGLESS WHEN YOU CLEARLY HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN ANY OF HER WORKS!" Explosions went off in Bakugou's empty fist as he yelled at Kamiko's dad. The two Ikis stared at the blonde man wide eyed. None of them seemed expect him to get this heated about what the officer had said. "You may not understand her passion, but what she does means a lot to some people. She changed people's lives with her art and her stories. She's as much of a hero as me!" Bakugou grabbed her bag from the ground and slung it over his shoulder. "Not all heroes have to fight villains. Let her be herself." 

Before Officer Iki could say anything in response, Bakugou pulled Kamiko away. "Let's go home," he said. Kamiko couldn't believe what she just heard. Tears welling in her eyes slowly seeped down, gliding down over the tear tracks that already dried. Her lower lip quivered slightly, and she was speechless. She could only nod at him while he pulled her away from her father. This was what she needed. This whole time, she just wanted someone to stand up for her. She wanted someone to tell her it was okay to be herself, to do what she likes. 

After they walked away, and the anger subsided, sweat started building up on the back of Bakugou's neck. He just cursed at her dad. He. Just. Cursed. At. Her. Dad. Holy shit her dad hates him now. Her dad definitely hates him. He glanced at Kamiko nervously, contemplating on whether or not he should apologize. Instead of fixing her problem he probably just made it worse. 

A tick grew on his forehead when a crazy thought appeared in his brain: Maybe Deku would have done things differently. Why the fuck would he care what Deku would have done?! The more he thought about it the more it annoyed him. 

"Katsuki?" Kamiko's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Where are we going?"

"To shitty Deku's agency. I need to get my stuff," he said.

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