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Bakugou and Kamiko quickly adjusted to the changes in their daily routine. In the mornings, Bakugou would wake up first as usual to make breakfast, and then Kamiko would wake up after and join him. Because she was on summer break, Kamiko no longer had to go to school. Instead, she hung out at the agency like she normally would on weekends. However, instead of the usual desk she sat at, Inazumari actually cleaned out an old storage room for her to use as an art studio.

"No one is going to use this room anyways, so it's all yours," Inazumari said.

"Mari-san~ Thank you so much!" Kamiko tackled Inazumari into a big bear hug, bawling her eyes out and telling him how grateful she was for him.

In the late afternoon Bakugou would come back from patrol. If he was caught up in some sort of villain incident, he would take even longer, but usually he'd always make it back in time for the two of them to get dinner together. Sometimes they'd eat out, and sometimes when he gets back early, he'd make some homemade food. He found out that Kamiko really likes cold noodles, especially when the temperature gets hot. She usually never complains abouy food, and eats whatever he prepares, but he noticed how she'd always look extra satisfied whenever he made noodles. Gradually Bakugou found himself making noodles more and more often.

Ice cream is a must to get Kamiko through late July. Her and Bakugou's freezer were practically filled with ice cream and popsicles. The two of them would sometimes go over to Bakugou's house on weekends to clean the place up, get Bakugou some fresh clothes, and spend the weekend there. They had gotten quite used to moving about the two apartments. Before they go over, Kamiko would always buy a few tubs of ice cream to stock up and eat while she and Bakugou did their anime marathons. They also made sure to stock up in the agency as well, but the heroes typically don't have a chance to eat them because they're always out. Kamiko and Inazumari would sometimes each take a small tub of ice cream and make fun of the heroes who had to stay out in the sun all day.

Once, Kamiko even went as far as to send Bakugou a selfie of her eating ice cream while it was over 32 degrees Celcius* outside. She got a reply with a selfie of him giving her the middle finger.

When he got back that day, the first thing he did was storm into Kamiko's studio. When the door slammed against the wall, Kamiko's earbuds fell out of her ear, for the whole room seemed to shake for one second. "Uh....Hi..Katsu- EEP!" Kamiko shrieked when he suddenly pinned her against the chair. Sweat dripped off of his forehead like crazy, and there was a strong burnt caramel scent coming off of him.

"You fucking bitch!" Bakugou glared at her.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll buy you ice cream! Forgive me!" Kamiko threw her hands in the air as she laughed. For some reason she found it hilarious when Bakugou got angry.

"Oh don't think you can get away with just buying me ice cream. Oh no no!" A smirk made its way to his lips. Kamiko's smile stiffened into a thin line as Bakugou stuck his face merely centimeters from hers.

"W-Wait what if someone sees-" Kamiko pointed frantically to the door, but Bakugou grabbed her face with one hand and turned it to face him. He smashed his lips on hers and she was instantly muffled. Kamiko glanced at the doorway, praying that Kirishima and Kaminari won't come over. Bakugou's arms snaked around her waist pulling her to her feet.

Kamiko struggled to stand up, legs going weak from the intensity of the kiss. Bakugou doesn't do anything with a half assed effort, not even kissing. It's always go big or go home. Kamiko didn't dislike that side of him, but sometimes it can get quite overwhelming. "Katsu- Mm! S-Sto-" Telling him to stop was useless, because the more she tried to get him to stop the more excited and cocky he gets. God damn it... Territory! Kamiko activated her realm and shut the door with her quirk. There were no windows on the door, so the people on the other side can't see what's going on in here.

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