46. Pizza, Movie, and Cuddles

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Bakugou roamed through the pantry and the fridge. There wasn't much, but it was getting a little late to go out and make a trip to the super market. Maybe they should just order pizza, or even ramen. He was just about to ask when he found Kamiko squatting on the balcony. Oh no. Bakugou immediately rushed to the balcony and slid the glass door open.

"Shi- Kamiko, what's wrong?" he demanded.

"Nothing..." She responded between her sobs. 

"Well that's obviously bullshit. Did your old man say something again? I swear to fucking go-" Bakugou's eyes widened when Kamiko suddenly threw her arms around his neck. He toppled back, landing on his butt. He placed his hands on the ground to the side of his body, supporting his weight and a little bit of hers. Bakugou was absolutely dumbfounded as Kamiko held him and sobbed into the crook of his neck. "Kami..."

"Just...let me stay like this...." she sniffled. Oh god... Bakugou thought as he lifted a hand from the ground, and gently placed it at the small of her back. He knew it was wrong to feel this way, but he couldn't help himself. I can't believe I'm actually happy that she's crying her eyes out. 

After a while his supporting arm started to feel a little numb. Her sobs were slowly settling down, which was a good thing, but she didn't show any signs of getting ready to let go. Of course, Bakugou was completely comfortable with the idea of them sitting here like this all night, but his arm was going to give out on him any second now. "Shit," he hissed when he felt his arm starting to tremble. He lifted the supporting arm and wrapped it around Kamiko's waist, making sure to keep her on top of him as his back hit the ground with a loud thud. "Fuck!" He groaned upon contact.

"S-Sorry Katsuki, I..." Kamiko was about to get up, but Bakugou just pulled her down again. Although surprised by his sudden action, she was grateful that he didn't push her away. She almost forgot what it was like to have a shoulder to cry on. Back in high school, Shinsou was always there to comfort her when she's feeling down. However, after getting to college, despite making good friends with all the people around her, there was practically no one she could go to to discuss about these kind of feelings. She could always go to Akemi to discuss about friendship, or boys, but when it came to her dad, and the whole hero thing, she felt like no one would understand. 

Bakugou looked up at the dark, yet starless night. If he focused hard he could make out a few stars, but the light pollution has made it really hard to see the little flickers of light in the sky. 

"Was it your old man again?" he finally asked at some point.

"No... I'm just... Never mind... I don't really wanna talk about it... I feel like I might cry again if I do," Kamiko mumbled as she buried her face in his chest. She really can't get enough of his scent.

Kamiko's face heated up against his chest. She tilted her head up to look at his face, but she couldn't quite read his expression. Completely taking her mind off her parents, Kamiko focused on the man beneath her. She was having difficulty understanding what Bakugou wants from her. He clearly treats her with more affection than he does other people, but maybe he doesn't want to be in a serious relationship because he doesn't like the responsibility it came with?

The idea of being toyed with didn't sit right with her. However, no man has ever treated Kamiko the way Bakugou has treated her. Maybe it was wrong of her to feel this way, but she really doesn't want to ruin what they have right now by putting pressure on him to make things official. This attention was addicting. Before she met Bakugou she thought she could live her whole life just fangirling over hot men, but now every muscle in her body is telling her not to let go of this man.

Bakugou could just hold her here forever, completely forgetting about dinner. However, his stomach seemed to disagree. A loud growl broke the silence between them, completely shattering the mood he tried to maintain. "Are you hungry?" Kamiko chuckled as she pushed up from his chest. 

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