59. Nosebleed

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Pain. Lots and lots of pain. Even during her worst days of overworking to finish her manuscript, she's never suffered this kind of pain before. Back then it was neck pains and a fever, but the pain right now felt like someone was drilling her head with an electric drill. Groaning, Kamiko slowly opened her eyes. "Katsu...ki...." she recognized the handsome looking man sleeping in front of her. A sudden jolt of pain in her head caused her to hiss in pain as she held her head. 

Kamiko slowly sat up, groaning from the migraine. Suddenly, with a creak sound, the bedroom door opened. Bakugou came walking in. "I told you not to drink that much, here, drink this," he handed her a cup of hot tea.

"Thanks...." she muttered as she took the tea in her hand. She gently blew on the steaming hot liquid. Wait. She halted. She looked down to her right, where Bakugou was laying down, asleep, then she looked up to her left, where Bakugou stood with his hands on his waist. 

"What?" he asked her. 

Kamiko looked to the right again, then to the left, her index finger pointing at each Bakugous. "Wha-"

"Oh, him," Bakugou clicked his tongue. 

Kamiko's jaws dropped. From Bakugou's reaction, he seemed to know that there was another one of him sleeping next to her. That can't be right. She quickly jumped out of bed, nearly spilling the hot tea over herself. On the bed, the other Bakugou let out a soft groan as he stirred from his sleep. "Oh, Babe, you're awake?"

Babe?! Who the hell is Babe?! Kamiko pointed to the Bakugou crawling from the bed as she tried to get words out of her mouth. 

"W-What the hell is going on?!" she finally exclaimed. Kamiko stumbled backwards, Bakugou quickly rushed behind her and caught her before she could trip over her feet. Kamiko looked up at the Bakugou holding her, and quickly pushed away from him. "Y-You're not fake are you?"

Bakugou shot her a glare, but he couldn't blame her for suspecting his identity. He calmed himself down by letting out a sigh. "Sit down, it's a long story."

Kamiko sat on the edge of the bed obediently as Bakugou started to explain what had happened after she passed out last night.


Bakugou kicked his shoes off at the entrance of his apartment after he got home. After turning on the hallway lights he quickly rushed Kamiko to the bathroom and set her in front of the toilet. On cue, the woman emptied her stomach. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief knowing his clothes were safe.

He gently rubbed her back, eyes softening. "Geez, you're gonna get a hangover when you wake up tomorrow." After Kamiko was finished, Bakugou lifted her up to the sink. "Now rinse your mouth."

Half awake, Kamiko did as she was told, perfectly obedient, following Bakugou's instructions as he led her to bed. He plopped her down and took off her shoes. Her clothes were still reeking with the smell of barbecue and alcohol, so he had to get her out of it. However, Bakugou hesitated. They may be dating, but he only ever saw her naked once. He can't take advantage of her in this situation, but he can't just let her wear these clothes to sleep either.... 

He took a deep breath. I'll just keep my eyes closed. He closed his eyes and reached down, slowly, unbuttoning the front of her shirt. After unbuttoning the top three buttons, he slipped the shirt over her head and undid her bra as well. Then he took one of his shirts, and pulled it over her head. His shirt was just enough to cover her up to mid thighs. After getting her changed, he pulled the blankets over her, tucking her in.

"She asleep?" Bakugou turned around when he heard his own voice, eyes widened at the man who shared his face and identity. Even now, it all felt like a dream.

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