64. Escape

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Kamiko's eyes widened. Her first response was to think Souichirou was joking, but seeing the serious look in his eyes made her swallow all of her sarcastic remarks back down. Souichirou held his index finger to his lips, so clearly he was afraid of people overhearing. "And?" Kamiko asked.

"My mission is to collect information on the League. Right now I'm acting as an information broker for the villains. I run a gang in Tokyo that specializes in information gathering. I currently go by Miura Ryuichi," Souichirou whispered. "I have been trying to get connected with the League for a long time, but they're very cautious and difficult. So far I've only been able to get in touch with one of their brokers. And they request information from me via the third party. This is their first request that gives me the chance to meet with their core members directly. The only catch is I bring you to them."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Why do you fucking think? I'm an FBI, not to mention you're my cousin. I have to protect you. But I also have to play the part to get their trust," Souichirou explained as he crossed his arms. "I have a good amount of comrades in my gang right now, but the gang is still predominantly villains, so I need to be convincing."

Kamiko shook her head in confusion. "Wait. You're an FBI. Okay, that sits with me. But why the fuck are you in Japan?" Kamiko asked. "The whole League problem is out of your jurisdiction!"

Souichirou grinned slyly at Kamiko. "Come on sis, this is the United States we're talking about, everything is under our jurisdiction." Kamiko chuckled dryly, an unimpressed look on her face which Souichirou could easily read as, Of course you Americans butt your nose in everything. "Hey, to be fair, the Japanese government requested our assistance."

"Right..... So what's the plan then?"

"Well, that all depends on if your Prince Charming can read the clues I left for him." The silver haired man chuckled softly before his face settled into a serious expression. "Listen carefully Kamiko. The original plan was to fake an accident on our way back to Tokyo and send you out of the country for hiding, but right now we're understaffed and being kept watch, so I'm counting on the heroes to find us in time. I left really obvious clues so I hope they don't overthink it," Souichirou scratched the back of his head nervously. "I can't let myself get in contact with the heroes, so I'll need to leave soon. Here's the plan...."


Bakugou sat stiffly in the back of the police car, his arms crossed and eyes glaring at the driver, who was driving painfully slow in comparison to Kamiko's reckless yet efficient driving. "Fucking step on it! At this rate I'd be faster going there on my own!" Bakugou shouted at the driver.

Backing up to 20 minutes ago, Clearvo finally burst into the police station panting like a madman. He was immediately sent out along with a search party, but he was able to give a detailed description of what the area around the school was like during the time Kamiko got kidnapped. In addition to his clairvoyance, Clearvo happened to have a photographic memory, which was something he didn't flex on people very often, but always came in handy in moments like this.

He recalled all the car plates of vehicles he came across, especially vans. While they ran checks on the car plates, one of the police finally associated the hostess who kidnapped Kamiko with the Blood Tiger Gang from Tokyo.

"Blood Tiger Gang? But why would they take Iki?!" asked Kirishima.

"Who the fuck gives a damn right now?! We need to find them!" Bakugou shouted as he attempted to storm out of the police station.

Kaminari grabbed Bakugou by the arm. "Wait, you can't just go out blind searching!"

"He's right." The chief of police in Tsukuba laid out a map of the city. "If the kidnappers are from Tokyo, then there's a good chance they're taking the victim back to Tokyo. We can narrow our search path to the southern part of the city. Because they're bringing an unconscious person, they cannot take public transportation, so most likely they're driving. We'll prioritize cars with car plates from outside Tsukuba."

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