71. Like A Hero

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There was an unsettling feeling in Kamiko's chest since Bakugou left. Something didn't seem quite right, but she didn't know what. As she sat on the bed, scrolling through the internet, countless pictures and videos of Hosu flooded her screen. She was forced to witness the buildings getting torn down, people getting killed. Screams and cries for help filled her ears. Everything was real, yet it seemed surreal. 

Everyone knew this day would come, that the League of Villains are bound to come back, that one day the peace would be broken. That's what the government warned, and that's what the heroes prepared for. However, peace tends to blind people. The short lived tranquility numbed their senses, to the point they couldn't even foresee what they were expecting. 

Kamiko recalled the past few months. She had a lot of fun, so much fun that she would block out the constant danger looming in on her. She too had closed her eyes to reality and simply enjoyed the fake paradise everyone tried to create. Everything came too fast. From the first Nomu attack, to Souichirou, to Hosu, everything happened so fast that Kamiko didn't have time to register that the world is going back to it's previous state. The League is back, and they're ready to throw Japan into chaos once again.

"Katsuki...." A soft mutter left her lips. Suddenly, she felt something in her gut, like something had sank. Kamiko's eyes widened. She wasn't a superstitious person but her gut feelings were never wrong. Something was about to happen, something bad. 

Just as she was pondering what to make of her gut feeling, the school alarm went off. "Emergency Code Black! Intruders! All non-hero course students and refugees evacuate to underground shelter immediately. I repeat. All non-hero course students and refugees evacuate to underground shelter. Heroes and Hero Licensed students, please get ready for battle." 

"What?!" Kamiko gasped as she jumped off the bed. She was wear a pair of exercise shorts and a plain t-shirt with a sports bra underneath, so she didn't have to hurry and get changed or anything. Even so, Kamiko was reluctant to step out. Questions flooded her head, but somehow everything started to click. From the kidnapping to the Nomu attack all the way to the current situation.... Perhaps, it was all a trap to get Bakugou away from her. Now that may seem dumb, since she's currently in UA, the most secure facility in Japan, but think about it. First they plan a kidnap, which is really dumb because they have a warp gate-like quirk on their side. If they wanted to catch her they should have just warped her. But they didn't.... That must mean there was something preventing them from doing so....

Ground Zero Agency. It was Ground Zero Agency. While Kamiko was on constant surveillance there was always a hero within a mile radius of her ready to rescue if and whenever she needed. And from what she remembered, when she saw that Nomu climb out of that gooey warp like substance, it took quite some time, at least two minutes, which meant that warp is very difficult to use and time consuming. They needed to separate her from Bakugou. They pretended to kidnap her, when in truth they knew that Souichirou would let her go. 

And now they've gathered most of UA's heroes at Hosu using the mass amount of Nomus... 

"Could it be... They're after me?" Kamiko muttered.

She turned around, her eyes landing on her open suitcase. She walked over, and took out the quirk usage license out of one of the pockets. Her brows furrowed. Perhaps she should have taken this more seriously when the first Nomu attack happened. Things like going to school, becoming a mangaka, those were all things that she could only do once the League was defeated once and for all. "Was I too selfish?" she asked herself.

She could hear the screams of the students in panic. The two years of peace and tranquility that she spent seemed like a dream, and this was her wake up call. How could she forget what kind of world she was living in? In a world where villains were constantly trying to overthrow peace, how could someone like her expect to live a normal and uninterrupted life? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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