11. Found You

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There was a scratching sound in the dark room. The only light source was the flashing television on news channel. The sound of the television was set on low, since the man sitting in front of it was very close, close enough to stick his face on it. He kept scratching the itch on his neck, irritated that the news reporters keep reporting the victories won by the heroes in the damned superhuman society. "Damn it....Damn it....." He kept scratching himself; the itch just won't subside.

Suddenly he stopped, his eyes glued to the screen. "....fans witnessed Ground Zero, Red Riot, Chargebolt, and an unnamed woman at a Yakiniku restaurant, celebrating the team up...." What caught the attention of the man wasn't the three heroes, but the silver haired girl in the picture. Her face was censored out but he immediately recognized her. "Found you~"

Kirishima set the suitcase down on the sidewalk, and he let go of the old lady's hand. "Here you go ma'am," he smiled as he handed the handle of the suitcase to her. "Stay safe!"

"Thank you young man!" the old lady bowed to the red haired hero, who scratched the back of his head, giggling happily as he bowed back. He stood there and waved goodbye as he watched the old lady leave. After he made sure she was safe and away, he turned back to patrolling the area. 

A woman with her son walked by him, and the little boy greeted Kirishima excitedly, "Hi Red Riot!"

"Hello! Good morning to you!" Kirishima saluted at the boy with a big grin on his face. "Going shopping with your mother today?"

The older woman chuckled joyfully as she replied, "Yes. Takeru, would you like to ask the hero for a picture?"

"C-Can I take a picture with you?!" the boy named Takeru asked, his eyes gleaming with admiration. 

Kirishima raised his thumb. "Of course!" Takeru's mother took out her phone, and Kirishima knelt down beside Takeru, flexing his arms as Takeru held a peace sign with his left hand. 

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese~!" Kirishima and Takeru exclaimed. Right after the shutter sound of the smart phone camera, a loud explosion and screams interrupted the fan meeting. Kirishima immediately stood up, jumping in between Takeru and the sound of the explosion. Takeru quickly ran into his mother's arms, both of them frightened. 

Kirishima's eyes widened when he saw what was on top of the building a block away from them. "Nomu!?"

"Red Riot! Red Riot! Nomu sightings down at Oumi 1st Street! Need backup!" It was Kaminari's voice, screaming right into Kirishima's ear piece. 

Kirishima pressed on his earpiece, and replied, "Nomu sightings at Beika 3rd Street as well! Where's Ground Zero?!" Civilians started running in Kirishima's direction, away from the black, creepy flying figure in the air that's breathing fire and destroying the buildings around. "EVERYONE RUN AWAY! GET TO SAFETY!" Kirishima shouted as he pointed to the direction behind him. "You guys too!" He told Takeru and his mother before running towards the direction of the Nomu. 

The red haired hero clicked his tongue as he pressed onto the call button on his earpiece, shouting into it. "Calling all hero agencies! Calling all hero agencies! Nomu sighting in Tsukuba City, Beika 3rd and Oumi 1st Street! Back up requested! I repeat! Back up requested!"

"On my way!" he heard a voice he didn't recognize call back.

"Nomu sighting at Hanatani Street!" 

"J-Just what's going on?!"

Crap! Kirishima thought. Of all Nomus to appear in front of him, the one he has to deal with is one with wings! How the hell is he going to get up there? He thought that the heroes have taken care of all the Nomus during the last war with the League, how are there still this many? Reports of Nomus keep coming in on the radio, just what exactly is going on?!

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