48. Can I?

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A/N: So I feel really guilty leaving you guys on such a cliff hanger, and I know you guys are dying to know what comes next so, here it is! Just a warning...THIS STORY IS RATED 18+ SO IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE 18+ STUFF I SUGGEST YOU NOT READ!


"Can I?"

Kamiko gulped. She can feel his bulge rubbing against her thighs, and the look in his eyes made it very obvious what he was asking for. If she said she wasn't enjoying this right now she would be lying. But at the same time she was unsure of if she wanted to take this to the next step. After all, she was still a virgin.

Bakugou placed soft kisses along her jawline, down to her neck. His hand massaged her breast and his hips grinding against her subconsciously as he waited for permission. "I..." Kamiko bit her bottom lip. Her heart was racing and so was her mind. She needed to make a decision. "I don't think I'm  ready...."

Bakugou stopped. He took his hand out of her shirt and placed it be the side of her head. He kissed her softly on the lips before crawling up. "W-Where are you going?" Kamiko asked, sitting up.

"To take a cold shower," Bakugou replied.

"But that's not good for-" Kamiko looked down at his bulge, guilt overtaking her conscience. That must feel really uncomfortable. And he's not going to do anything about it... He's going to forcefully make it go down. Before she could finish however, Bakugou disappeared into the bathroom. Oh no... Is he mad? Kamiko looked down. She pulled the covers over herself as she laid back down and curled into a ball. There was a tiny bit of regret, and a tiny bit of disappointment. It's not that she was saving her virginity for marriage or anything, and whenever he kisses her, there's always a fire burning inside her, tickling her, and a voice inside her that pleaded for more. She was more than knowledgeable when it came to sex. After all, she liked to draw men having sex. However, when it really came down to it, she chickened. She didn't even know what she was afraid of. Maybe it was the legendary pain from getting penetrated the first time, or maybe it was the idea that Bakugou wouldn't be interested in her after they have sex. Whatever it was, it made her hesitate, and now she was blue balling him. "I'm horrible," she muttered as she buried her face into the pillow.

Bakugou turned on the faucet, making sure to keep the water as cold as possible. He let the cold liquid soak into his hair and run down his skin. Droplets of water wiggled down his back, along his waist and slowly down his butt and circling around his legs until it reached the floor. He eyed that hardened member, mentally screaming at it to go down. Gosh, what the fuck am I doing?! He shut his eyes and pressed his head against the wall. What was I fucking thinking!? Asking her if I can- Ugh.... Of course she'd say no! We barely started dating! How can you rush her like that?!

He groaned in discomfort. The hardened manhood throbbed like crazy. It was practically begging to be touched. "Nngh-" Bakugou's hands inched towards his member, slowly. He stopped when his hands reached his lower abdomen. Normally he would have just grabbed it and started masturbating, but perhaps it was because he knew Kamiko was outside, awake, he chose not to. The last thing he wanted was for her to think he's some sort of horny animal that had no self control.

After about ten minutes Kamiko finally heard the bathroom door open. She lofted her head from the bed to see Bakugou walking out with a towel over his head as he dried his hair. Her eyes subconsciously trailed down to his... Then she looked up. "Katsuki I...." Her brows knitted guiltily at him. "I'm sorry..."

Bakugou raised a brow as he sat down on the bed. "Why?" he asked.

"I mean... Wasn't it uncomfortable?"

"What, you think I can't handle a hard dick?" Bakugou demanded.

"That's not what I meant..." Pink dusted over Kamiko's cheeks as she realized how much knowledge that she was revealing she had. "Never mind..."

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