62. Taken

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The lights of Shibuya, Tokyo never go out. At the corner of the street, was a plain, barely noticeable metal door. Thousands of people walk past here without ever knowing that behind this door is a gathering spot for villains under the disguise as a brothel.

A teenaged boy guarded the door. By guarding, he simply sat on a stool next to it, playing on his phone. People barely notice him, for he had a plain and forgettable face, just like this door. Just as he was about to clear the next level of his race car game, he felt a tap on his shoulder. The boy looked up, allowing his car to fall behind the other racers, and studied the face of the man before him. The boy had a special ability. He could memorize all the faces that he's seen. This was what made him the perfect guard dog, for he knew which were normal customers, and which were the 'special' ones.

"Would you like to bathe first sir?" The boy asked. That was code for the customers who are headed to the underground bar, the gathering place of villains.

"A Jacuzzi bath, and a bottle of champagne," the customer replied with his hands in his pockets. The boy nodded and unlocked the door for him. As the man walked in, the boy handed the man a tiny piece of paper with today's code written on it.

After the door closed, the boy sat back down, his attention back on his phone. His brows furrowed when he noticed that he had already lost the game. "Damn it."

Inside the building, a slender, slightly hunched back man wearing a black and white striped suit walked down the stairs while he lit a cigarette. After a deep inhale, he let out a puff of smoke before reaching the door at the bottom of the staircase. After knocking three times, a rectangular peep hole slid open, revealing a pair of blood shot, brown eyes with dark circles underneath. The man in the striped suit slid the piece of paper into the peep hole, and it soon closed. Less than a minute later the door opened, revealing a smoke filled room with a pair of fancy couches in the center of the room with a rectangular coffee table in between.

To the left of the room was a pool table where a group of men and women gathered. The women all wore tight body hugging dresses that barely covered their asses. The man rolled his eyes in disdain when a half drunk fat man grabbed one of the women by her butt, giving her left butt cheek a tight squeeze. He walked straight to the couch at the center of the room and took a seat. Beside him sat another man, who was much younger, most likely in his early twenties. The young man leaned on the couch with his arms outstretched on the back, his feet rested on the coffee table. A cigarette dangled between his teeth loosely, as if it's there only for decoration.

A woman with long, wavy blonde hair wearing a tight red dress stood behind that young man, her hands running through his silver locks, and tilted his head up as she leaned down, a cigarette in her mouth. She touched the tip of her cigarette to his, borrowing his light. Their eyes met, and she gave him a seductive smile. The silver haired young man clicked his tongue in annoyance as he pushed her away.

"What are you doing here old timer?" the young man asked.

The man in the striped suit ran his hand through his messy brown hair with grey locks around the side. He exhaled a mouthful of smoke as he reached to the inner pocket at the chest of his jacket. He pulled out a picture and placed it on the coffee table, sliding it towards the young man.

The silver haired man clicked his tongue in annoyance as he took his feet off the coffee table and leaned forward to grab the picture. Once he snatched the picture off the table, he leaned back on the couch, holding it face level.

Nobody noticed the slight twitching of the man's brows as he gazed at the girl in the picture. "What's this about?" He asked the old timer.

"I'm here per the request of the League, you see. They are looking for that girl in the picture, though she's probably a woman by now. I figured that the boss of the Blood Tiger Gang would be able to find her," the older man said. "Right? Miura-kun."

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