24. Heat

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/*Warning! Sexual contents! Readers under 16 read with caution!*/

There was a loud growl constantly rumbling in Bakugou's throat as he stomped down the halls of UA. His fellow second years recognized him immediately, for he was probably the most well known UA student of their year, especially after his victory in the sports festival their first year. A few girls quickly swerved to the side of the halls to avoid the boy who wears a scowl everyday as if it were his favorite shirt or something. 

Class 2-C immediately knew what was up when the door to their classroom slides open with a BAM and there stood the spiky blonde shouting, "HEY SHITHEAD COME AND FIGHT ME!"

A young silver haired teenager wearing a set of big red headphones nodded to her music as she continued her sketch of a hot 2D character. Suddenly someone slid the headphone off of her. "Hey Miko-chan, Bakugou's here again," said her classmate.

"What?!" Kamiko glanced at her phone. Shit, the school bell already rang! She totally lost track of time. "Why didn't any of you guys remind me?!" Now she can't run away. 

Bakugou walked in the classroom and lifted the teenage girl by her collar, dragging her off her chair and pulled her out the classroom. "H-Hey Bakugou I didn't pack my bags yet! Bakugou!"

"You can come back and get it later." The blonde teenage boy pulled the girl down the halls, with the girl constantly yelling at him to slow down for her stubby legs. Meanwhile their classmates and schoolmates just sighed at the usual sight. They've long gotten used to seeing the explosive teenage boy dragging or pulling or carrying the whiny teenage girl out of her classroom. 

They arrived at training ground gamma, where Bakugou got special permission to use for his sparring whenever he could catch Kamiko. "Okay let's begin!" he said.

The sparring rules were as usual. They'd throw a rock and at the moment the rock lands on the ground, they begin. As always, Bakugou was quick to lose. Once she has her territory out, how was he supposed to win?

"I win, can we stop now?" Kamiko asked when Bakugou was pinned to the wall.

"Grrrrrr...." the boy just growled and didnt answer. Kamiko took that as a yes and released her quirk. Bakugou dropped to the ground and glared at the girl, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. Instead of running away before he could ask for round two, however, the girl bent down and took out a handkerchief from her pocket. She gently dabbed the handkerchief on the sweat drops clinging to Bakugou's forehead. 

The boy grabbed her wrist. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he growled. 

"You just- You looked really tired so I-" 

"Are you looking down on me?!" Bakugou shouted as he pushed her down to the ground. He pinned her hands to the ground, and his face hovered over hers. Suddenly his heart stopped, and his eyes widened.

Was her hair always this long? He stared at her long silver locks spread all over the ground like a thin blanket. And her lips...did they always look this tasty? Her lips were the shade of roses, and her cheeks were the color of cotton candy.

For some reason Bakugou's heart started to beat at the speed of a Shinkansen. He could feel it thumping on the inside of his ribcage, almost trying to break out of his chest. There was a strong urge to taste those apple like lips, see if they taste just as good as they looked. "Bakugou...kun?" her voice sent jitters down to the pit of his stomach. Bakugou swallowed hard.

Without a second thought he pressed his lips against hers. So soft....like a feather pillow, but the taste of roses. "Mn," she let out a soft moan against him. Her voice was like a lighter that set fire throughout his entire body. He started to move his lips against hers, and she responded by syncing her movement with his. With one of his hands interlocked with hers, still pinned to the ground, he trailed the other hand down, and slid it under her favorite pink tank top. Her skin was hot to the touch. 

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now