26. Cleaning

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Bakugou and Kamiko coughed at the dust on moment of entry. "Oh god... Clearvo was right. It has gotten dusty," Kamiko waved her hand in front of her face to get the dust away. Bakugou's brows knitted tightly as he placed his hand over his nose and mouth, took off his shoes and stepped onto the dusty wooden floor.

"Uck...." Bakugou muttered when he got dust all over the bottom of his socks. Kamiko slipped off her sandals and followed him inside. She had no idea where to put her backpack, since the whole place was covered in dust, so she just brushed the dust off of the shoe cubby at the doorway and set her stuff there. They'd have to clean this place up before Kamiko could even sit. "I'm gonna go open the windows. The storage closet is over there, go grab a mop or something and take care of the dust first." Bakugou pointed to a door on the wall across the living room next to the bathroom.

Kamiko carefully opened up the closet door. The inside of the storage closet was even worse! She had to cover her face with one hand, and she grabbed the mop with the other. Does he have a pair of gloves I can use? She wondered as she scanned the closet. There were a few spider webs in the corner. Kamiko gulped. She isn't a fan of spiders either, but luckily she doesn't need to touch them to get rid of them. Ok, gloves first. Gloves gloves.... She decided to ignore those creepy creatures first. She spotted the fingers of a rubber glove hanging from the top shelf. What the fuck, why is that thing all the way there? She tip toed and reached her hand up for it. Too..... Short.....

Suddenly a large hand reached over hers grabbed the rubber glove easily. Kamiko instantly froze in place. The back of her fingers gently brushed against his palm. She could feel Bakugou's firm chest pressed against her back. "Why don't you just use your quirk?" his husky voiced tickled her ear. Aaahhhhh..... Kamiko screamed on the inside as her face started to heat up. Why does he sound so sexy too?

"I... I forgot..." she nearly whimpered.

Her voice was so soft, and nearly cracked at the end of her sentence. What the fuck was that?! Bakugou felt as if she had set off a fire inside him, for his entire body started to heat up starting with the place his body touched hers. Looking down, he could only see the top of her head. He never realized how short she was compared to him, how small and frail she looked, like a little bunny with its ears down. He eyes trailed down, to the tip of her ears, which stood out from her silver locks like two red cherries on a frosted cake. A bite....just one bite....

Bakugou hadn't noticed that he was lowering his head along with his hand. He opened his mouth, aiming for her cherry red left ear. Slowly...slowly.... Suddenly Kamiko snatched the gloves out of his hand, and the brooms and mops started flying out the storage. "I'll take care of the dust on the floor with my quirk. Do you need help with anything else?" she asked.

Bakugou's head shot back up. He cleared his throat before saying, "I'll clean the kitchen. Can I...leave the bathroom to you?"

"Yeah! Of course! That... Sounds good!" Kamiko gently swatted the rubber gloves on her hand a few times to dust them off. "Let's get to work?"

"Yeah..." Bakugou grabbed a rag hanging on the hook of the closet door and went straight for the kitchen. Meanwhile Kamiko found the multi-surface cleaner and a cleaning brush.

"Can I use any of these rags?" she asked pointing to the two other rags hanging on the door.

"Yeah!" Bakugou shouted from the kitchen. Great! Kamiko thought to herself. Time to clean.

Normally Bakugou would spend hours just wiping off all the surfaces, but with Kamiko's help they were able to sweep and wipe away all the dust in the house in less than an hour. Bakugou had to throw out most of the food in his fridge because they expired or molded while he was gone. He hadn't expected this bodyguard thing to be such a long term thing, but now, he had gotten quite used to living with her. Cleaning with her is really efficient.

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