39. Autograph

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Sunday was a cloudy day. The moisture in the air made Kamiko's skin feel all icky. She hoped it wouldn't rain today, for neither she nor Bakugou brought an umbrella. It was early in the morning, but Bakugou had dragged her ass up to head to Midoriya's agency. She was really impressed at how serious he is at the whole bodyguard business, but not enjoying following his hero schedule.

"Kacchan! Iki-san! You're here!" Midoriya was dressed in his hero costume, as well as the heroes who are stationed in this city. Bakugou, on the other hand, was in casual clothes, since he didn't want media to catch him in the city right before the operation.

"Hi Deku!" Kamiko greeted the green haired hero with a big smile on her face. "Please excuse me for the intrusion!"

"Tch," Bakugou clicked his tongue at his childhood friend. "Whatever nerd. When do we start?"

"We're still waiting on a few people. You guys can head to the meeting room for now," Midoriya told them.

"Um, wait, actually I have a favor to ask, if that's okay...." Kamiko said as she held her hands together in a begging gesture.

"Huh? Uh, sure what is it?" Midoriya's green eyes widened with curiosity. The manga artist grinned as she pulled out a small square shaped board from her backpack as well as a black marker.

She handed the board and marker to him. "Can I have your autograph?"

"Huh? O-OH o-o-o-o-of course! I'm honored!" Midoriya stuttered as he took the marker and autograph board from her. "Where do I sign?"

Bakugou's jaws hit the ground. She never asked for his autograph. And where the fuck did she get that autograph board?! Did she have it all along?! AND WHY DEKU?! She rather ask the stupid nerd for an autograph than me?! What is her problem?!

"Here!" Midoriya handed it back after signing his hero name on it. 

A big close eyed smile blossomed over Kamiko's lips as she bowed and thanked him. "Thank you so much!" When she lifted her head, Kamiko's eyes widened when she spotted a lock of red and white hair. Is that?! Her mouth widened into a big, excited smile and she dashed straight towards the tall, handsome man who stood out amongst the group of heroes like a sore thumb. "Shoto! Todoroki Shoto!" she shouted. The man looked down and saw a short young woman with long silky silver hair run up to him. She waved the board and marker in the air. "Can I please have your autograph?"

"Eh?" Todoroki pointed at himself. This woman looked familiar, but he couldn't quite remember where he met her. Is she a hero? Why is she here at a meeting with only heroes?

 Midoriya couldn't help but shudder when he sensed rage bursting out of Bakugou like a fire. The green haired hero sweated nervously as he listened to the grinding sound of Bakugou's clenched teeth. "K-K-Kacchan?!"

"You.....fucking.....SHITTY NERD!" Bakugou grabbed Midoriya by the collar with one hand, explosions going off in the other. The people around them turned their heads to see what was going on, but since it was public knowledge that Ground Zero and Deku don't get along, they didn't think much of it.


"Okay, who should I address this to?" Todoroki took the marker and board.

"Kamiko! Just sign right here next to Deku's!" The young hero nodded as he placed his name right next to Midoriya's.

Bakugou felt the last straw inside him snap. He threw Midoriya to the side and stomped his way towards Kamiko and the Icy Hot, pushing past anyone in his way. He grabbed Kamiko by the shoulder and turned her around. "Hey what's the meaning of this?!" he demanded.

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