1. Reunion

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"And the winner is...!"

Bakugou lifted his head with difficulty, but once he was able to look up at the lock of silver hair that covered the face of his enemy. His red eyes wide with horror and hatred as Midnight's hand started gesturing towards the small frail figure that towered before him in slow motion. If only he could move his body. If only he could-

He froze in horror as the figure looked down at him. Their grey, bored looking eyes slowly meeting his piercing red orbs. Don't you dare look at me like that! Bakugou wanted to scream at them but nothing came out. All he could do was lay on the ground, stomach facing down, with his head looking up in horror as Midnight's hand pointed to the person before him. NO! Midnight's mouth opened, and-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Bakugou shot up from the bed, gasping for air. Back drenched in his own sweat, he looked around only to realize that he was in his own bedroom. It's that dream again. Bakugou groaned as he grabbed a fistful of his hair. It's been a good three years and he still can't forget that day. The digital clock on his bedside table kept ringing, reminding the ash blonde it's time he get his ass out of the bed.

The blonde man slammed his fist on the clock, got out of his bed and dragged his feet to the bathroom. Today was another work day. After his morning routine and breakfast, Bakugou headed out of his apartment. The doorknob made a click sound as he locked the door. Soon, the blonde hero trotted down the stairs of his apartment building in a grey hoodie and black face mask.

A lot has changed in the past few years. Now, Bakugou is a professional hero, striving for the spot as number one. He has his own agency and sidekick. As a hero rising in popularity he must be careful of paparazzi. If his address was leaked into the public, then who knows what kind of creeps would show up in front of his house? 

He was greeted by his manager, Inazumari Wataru, when he got to his agency. The Ground Zero hero agency consists of only Bakugou, his manager, and his one sidekick. Like celebrities, heroes also need managers to manage their agency. Inazumari is mainly in charge of making sure Bakugou receives the credit for his work and that media doesn't write any false scandals of him. Essentially he is working two jobs of a manager and a lawyer. Originally Bakugou despised the idea of a sidekick. He said he didn't need one and that he himself was more than enough. In the end, however, he decided to hire Clearvo, his current sidekick. 

Clearvo is two years his junior, a fresh graduate from UA high school; his real name is Tenmoku Senri. His quirk is clairvoyance, so he serves as Bakugou's support during patrol and battles, notifying Bakugou the location of his enemies. 

"Yo boss! As always you're so early!" Clearvo chirped when he walked into the changing room. 

"You're just late," Bakugou hissed with a glare. Clearvo immediately shut up. Hmm.... That scowl on his face. Constantly clicking his tongue...... Clearvo recognized the symptoms. Aha.....

Bakugou took off his hoodie, along with the long sleeved shirt from underneath, revealing his proud muscular upper body. He tossed his clothes into his locker and grabbed the suit that hung neatly on the clothe hanger. It was still in the midst of Spring, so he was in his long sleeve gear. After the hero and the sidekick changed into their costumes and got out of the changing room, Inazumari came up to Bakugou. "Ground Zero, about the public property destruction last-"

"Shut up! I'll deal with that later!"

Inazumari closed his mouth and watched Bakugou walk out of the building to go on his patrol. He raised a brow and looked back at Clearvo, pointing his thumb at the direction Bakugou had left. "What's up with him?" It's not like Bakugou needs to hear about the property destruction bill, since it's technically Inazumari's job to deal with it, but he would have to explain to Bakugou about the money missing from his paycheck this month later when it's pay day.

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