70. Please Be Safe

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Souichirou took a seat in front of the white haired villain, still holding the small vial between his thumb and index finger. "Where did you get that?" asked Shigaraki.

"Well if there's one thing I got it's connections. You see ever since the fall of Shie Hassaikai these quirk erasing bullets completely disappeared from the black market. There was a rumor that the LOV got their hands on the last few bullets, but according to my knowledge those were used up roughly two years ago am I right?" Souichirou asked.

"What do you want?" Shigaraki asked, his voice raspy and a sluggish.

"Well I'm a businessman you see, and my main trade is information. So I'm hoping to get some useful intel from you guys before I leave here."

Souichirou waved the vial in his hand. Only god knows how sweaty his back is right now. He did consider a more roundabout way of acquiring information, but since they'd be suspicious either way, he'd rather choose the most direct way.

"What do you wanna know?" asked Dabi, arms crossed.

"What's your next plan?"

Dabi's brows twitched. Shigaraki also lowered his chin, his gaze turning colder. "What's it got to do with you?"

"Not just me, the entire underground society wants to know. Two years ago, during your big war with the heroes, many of us were still bystanders, regular civilians. And in the past two years while society has been doing a good job going back to normal there is still good number of people out there who have yet to recover fully. The economic tank was brief, but it did its toll. Now a lot of us wants another chance. After all, there's always profit to earn in the midst of chaos."

A very logical answer, surely that should convince them. Despite the efforts of heroes and the government, there are indeed people who lost their homes due to the Hero Villain War and have yet to have it returned. The government isn't omnipotent, and there are always a demographic more prioritized than others. So the original lower class people now have it even worse than before.

Those people make up the majority of the 'underground society' Souichirou spoke of, but there is also a small group of the rich, people who saw the potential power and wealth they could obtain in the power run society which the Villains were attempting to create. Now that it's been two years, and strikes of villain attacks have become more and more prevalent, people want to take this chance to start anew.

Souichirou waited for the villains to say something. Both Shigaraki and Dabi were quiet, sending the small dark room into silence. This empty warehouse was very secluded. Originally this region was already a rural area, with a few farms and warehouses, but after the war this place became completely secluded. It's the perfect hiding spot for villains.

Originally his coworkers suggested contacting heroes to ambush outside, but considering the teleportation like quirk the villains have on their side, Souichirou insisted that it was too early to start conflict. Without sufficient time to evacuate civilians in the neighboring cities and knowledge of the League of Villain's current manpower, they simply cannot make hasty moves.

Suddenly Souichirou felt something push him down from behind. Air was knocked out of his lungs as his head was pressed to the ground. Something pinned his wrist behind his back, and he felt a heavy weight pressed over him. For a second he felt his vision blur. He forced himself to turn his head, just enough to see Dabi staring down at him. "You done acting yet?"

What?! Souichirou's eyes widened. 

That was when he heard the sound of the rusty metal door open and close, and the muffled sound of someone screaming softly echoed in the large room. Souichirou felt a drop on his chest, and like the blood inside him was being sucked out of him, he felt cold. Only two words played in his head. Oh no.

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