4. Beneath Her

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"You'll never be number one hero."

"No that's not true!"

"You're beneath me."

"You're wrong!"

"No matter how hard you work, you'll never beat me."

"I will defeat you!"

"Bakugou, admit it. The only reason you even have what you have today is because I never chose to be a hero. Just be glad that I got out of your way."

"No!" Bakugou shot up from his bed. Once again his face and back were drenched in his own sweat. He breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. It was still dark. The digital clock on his bedside table read 4:27 AM. Just how many times has he had that dream? Ever since he met that Shitty Woman again he's been having this dream non-stop. "Fuuck...." Bakugou muttered, placing his hand against his forehead. "I have to beat her."

Bakugou gritted his teeth. He had only felt this way twice in his life. The first time, was when the flames of One For All in All Might completely burned out at Kamino. It was his fault. Bakugou always blamed himself for what happened to All Might. At that time, he felt defeated, and guilty. Especially when he found out that the shitty nerd Deku was the successor All Might chose, things couldn't get worse. He was in desperate need to prove himself. He needed to prove to himself, and the world, that even if he wasn't the chosen one, he was still the one destined to become number one.

The sports festival of his second year of high school was another blow on his self confidence, however. For the first time, he lost to someone in his generation despite going full power. Even Deku could only barely get a draw with him. At that time he hadn't had a chance to go all out against Todoroki. And that was when he met her. Such powerful quirk, and yet she never thought of becoming a hero, just wasting her talent away as if she were doing the rest of the hero course a favor.

Bakugou hated her. He hated her face. The way she was so nonchalant about everything. How despite winning the tournament of the sports festival, it wasn't anything exciting or worth celebrating. She was just so....chill, and he hated that. He hated being the only one on the edge.

"Today, I will fucking destroy her!"

"Achoo!" Kamiko sneezed. "Who the hell is thinking about me at this time of the day?" Her digital pen glided on her tablet as she made the last touches to the shading and the backgrounds. "Barely made the deadline...." She quickly saved her work and passed out on her desk. She was so glad that it was a Friday, because she had no classes on Friday. And since she doesn't have class, it means she gets to sleep in and she doesn't need to go to school. If she doesn't go to school, Bakugou won't be able to find her!

He has been blockading her at her school gate for the past week. No matter which exit she chooses, Bakugou will always find her. Tsukuba already had plenty of villain activity but sometimes she really wishes there were more villains around to keep that jerk busy so she could just go to school and go home in peace.

Shock crossed Inazumari's face when he saw Bakugou already in the office that morning. What's worse is the dark circles under his eyes! "Ground Zero are you okay? You look horrible!"

"I'm fucking fine!" Bakugou snapped back.

"Good morning!" Clearvo strolled into the agency with a half eaten sandwich in his hand. He paused when he noticed the strange atmosphere between Inazumari and Bakugou. "Is he menstruating again?"

"GET THE FUCK TO WORK!" Bakugou screamed. Inazumari and Clearvo quickly got out of his sight, allowing the blonde hero to calm down.

Inazumari grabbed Clearvo to the side, and whispered to the young sidekick, "You know what's wrong with Ground Zero? Something seems to be on his mind, and he doesn't look so well."

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