65. Not Over

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Everything was quiet, just the soft sound of her own breath, and the slight rustling of the curtains in the room. Kamiko's mind was awake, but her eyelids were heavy. Her brows twitched, for she could feel the sunlight bouncing off her skin.

"Mmm...." She hummed softly as she exhaled deeply.

"Kamiko?" Her eyes fluttered open at the voice of her boyfriend. A blurry figure appeared before her, then as she blinked, Bakugou's image slowly became clearer. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Bakugou's lips curled upward as he took her hand in his.

"Too bright..." Kamiko croaked.

"Hey Shitty Hair, shut the blinds!"

"Alright, alright, you don't have to shout, sheesh," Kirishima replied as he walked over to the window.

That was when Kamiko noticed that there were other people in the room as well. She let out a soft groan as she grabbed the oxygen mask from her face, attempting to tug it off. Bakugou quickly grabbed her hand. "Don't move. I got it," he said as he gently pulled on the elastic band, stretching it as he removed the oxygen mask from her face.

"How long was I out?"

"Not long. You literally just got out of surgery last night," Shinsou answered.

"Hitoshi? You're here too?" Kamiko scanned the room, to see that not only was Shinsou and Kirishima here, but Kaminari, Clearvo, and Inazumari as well. "I'm so sorry. I caused trouble for you guys again."

"What are you saying Senpai? It's my fault! I couldn't protect you properly. I screwed up and got you in this situation. You should be blaming me," Clearvo said loudly. His eyes were red from crying. Seeing those dark circles under his eyes, Kamiko could easily tell he hasn't slept, nor has anyone else in the room.

"Alright, enough. She needs rest. We'll talk about this later," Bakugou interjected.

"That's right. Now that Iki-san is awake, we should give them some space. Come on guys let's go," Inazumari clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention.

Kaminari looked around. "Wait already? I haven't even said anything yet!"

Shinsou grabbed Kaminari by the back of his collar. "What the crap is there to say? Now let's go."

"W-Wait! Kamiko-chan! Bakugou cried like twice yesterday you know! He was super wo-"


The door closed behind them, leaving Kamiko and Bakugou alone in the hospital room.


"Shut up."


Bakugou sat in front of the operation room, fingers locked together. He wasn't religious but he begged whoever was out there for Kamiko to be okay. Kirishima, Kaminari, and even Shinsou were waiting along with him.

Shinsou placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. "Don't worry. The paramedics said the wound isn't fatal, so she'll be alright," he assured Bakugou. However, Bakugou's heart still raced in an uneasy rhythm. Negative thoughts plagued his head. He simply couldn't relax until he knows for sure that Kamiko is okay.

After two more hours of surgery, the surgeon finally came out to deliver good news while the assistants finished up the stitches. "She's lucky that we have B positive blood in our blood bank. Only eight percent of donors have B positive blood. The wound itself will heal within three months. She had some tissue damage, but luckily none of her organs were damaged. We'll keep her here for two weeks to monitor for infection, and after that she'll be good to go. We'll inform you guys more about the wound care closer to her discharge. Now who do I need to talk to for her hospitalization paperwork?" The doctor asked.

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