40. First Year Sports Fest

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After the meeting was over, a few of the former UA students wanted to get lunch together to catch up a little bit, so Iida made a reservation for them at an Izakaya with a private room. Bakugou didn't want to go at first, but after some persuading from Kirishima, Clearvo, and Kamiko, the man gave in. 

So that's how the ash blonde hero ended up in the current situation, sitting between Kirishima and Kaminari, sipping at his beer angrily as he watched Kamiko and Shinsou chat away their lives right across from him. "So yeah, after I graduated from high school I signed a contract with a publishing company and officially got my manga published!" Kamiko told Shinsou with a big proud smile on her face. "It's doing pretty well, you should totally read it!" Bakugou's brows twitched in annoyance at that bubbly bright smile on her face. What the fuck- Why are you smiling at him like that?! Don't you have any idea just how suggestive that can be?!

"Wow Miko that's great! I'm glad you finally achieved your dream," Shinsou tapped his beer with hers in a little toast. 

"Congrats to you too. You also successfully made it as a hero," she replied before taking a sip of her own drink.

"Iki-senpai, how are you so close with Shinsou-senpai?" Clearvo suddenly asked curiously. "Weren't you in the normal course?"

Kamiko turned to the younger teenager. "Oh you didn't know? Hitoshi used to be in Class C in his freshman year! I sat right next to him!" Kamiko said as she pointed back and forth between herself and Shinsou.

Clearvo's eyes widened. "Really?! I thought Shinsou-senpai was always in Class A!"

"No, I got in through the normal course, then transferred," Shinsou said.

"Like a badass!" Kamiko smirked. "You should go back and search for recordings of the sports festival the first year. He almost beat Deku!"

"No way...." Clearvo looked towards Midoriya, who sat at the other side of the table. "Seriously?"

"Oh yeah, haha! I was really close to losing!" Midoriya scratched the back of his head as he chuckled. 

Kamiko placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. She smiled blissfully as she recalled the good old high school days. "Sports festival. Those were some fun memories."

"Oh please, you hated it," Shinsou smirked. 

"Ah well I mean I didn't like participating, but it is one of the biggest annual event of Japan. The hype, the atmosphere, the pro heroes... Ever since I left UA there really hasn't been an event like that," Kamiko said as her lips curled upward, remembering the first sports festival of her high school career. 


The UA High School first years all lined up in the stadium by classes from A to K, in front of a large stage with Midnight standing on top. Kamiko stood right behind Shinsou, and let out a tired yawn as they listened to Midnight make an opening statement. "Did you stay up all night reading manga?" asked Shinsou.

"Haha, you bet," Kamiko laughed. 

"Representing the students is Bakugou Katsuki of Class 1-A!" Midnight shouted as she waved her flogger. 

Suddenly the students around started to whisper amongst themselves as they stole glances at the one who apparently scored first in the entrance exam. Out of curiosity Kamiko also looked towards the figure who was walking up the stage. Ash blonde spiky hair, hands in his pockets, walking slowly and confidently. The crowds and students all turned quiet as he stepped in front of the microphone. 

"I pledge... That I'll be number one."

What? Kamiko's face went blank when she heard his words. She shrieked when cries of 'boos' erupted all around her. 

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