23. Feelings

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The orange sunset perfectly complimented his costume. 

He just stood there, silently, a rare, gentle smile on his face. His eyes looked just like the setting sun, red and warm...


A sudden breeze blew from the side, lifting the petals from the wild flowers in the vast green meadow. He slowly outstretched his hand, his bangs dancing back and forth in front of his eyes.


She reached her hand out for him. Slowly, so slowly, she got closer. Her hands were only centimeters from his. He waited patiently for her to put her hand on his. Her silver eyes met those beautiful red hues. Completely losing herself in them, her hands drew closer, and c-


"Huh?!" Kamiko flinched. She tilted her body and looked past her easel at Akemi, who was staring at her with a brow raised in suspicion. 

"I've been calling you for a while now. What are you spacing out for? Can you pass me the red paint?" her pink haired friend demanded. 

"O-Oh! Sorry. Here!" Kamiko fumbled for the red tube of acrylic paint and tossed it at her friend. Akemi caught the paint with both hands, but continued to stare at Kamiko with eyes full of curiosity. She squeezed some of the red onto her palette, and decided to personally walk over to return the paint to the box behind Kamiko. 

Akemi took this chance to peek at what Kamiko was doing, to see her spaced out as she brushed her sketch pencil over her sketchpad. Wait.... "Didn't you say you were gonna draw a scenery? Why did you draw a portrait? And is that Ground Zero?!" Akemi asked.

"What?" Kamiko looked up at her friend in confusion, then looked back at her sketch. "HOLY FU-" She gasped when she saw what she had on her paper. It wasn't a meadow, it sure wasn't. "I-...." She was speechless when she came face to face with Bakugou. His lips slightly stretched, tilting upwards at the corners, and his eyes were soft. His spiky bangs fell perfectly over his forehead, and his hand gently outstretched.

"I've never scene Ground Zero make this kind of face before. Wow! Like how do I describe this.... You made him look so gentle and soft, which is really weird, but for some reason it doesn't look unnatural. Is it weird that I find him kind of sexy in this portrait of yours?" Akemi asked. 

Some of their other friends overheard Akemi's comment and rushed over to check out Kamiko's art. "Lemme see! Lemme see!" The college juniors crowded around the silver haired woman's easel, checking out the sketch of a certain blonde hero.

"Whoa! This is so good!" Fumika exclaimed.

"I thought you guys didn't get along," said Akemi.

"What's going on? I smell drama!" asked another one of their classmates. Akemi told them about the time she and Kamiko saw Ground Zero and Red Riot about two months ago, and how Ground Zero seemed to be pretty violent around Kamiko. 

"Oh yeah! I thought Miko got in trouble 'cause Ground Zero kept picking her up from school a while ago!" said Yoshitaka.

"See this is why you're always single! You can't even read the atmosphere! Ground Zero came to pick Miko-chan up obviously because they're dating!" Fumika said.

"WE'RE NOT!" Kamiko quickly exclaimed. "We're just friends! I-I- I've known him since high school and we're really just friends-"

"Ahh! You're blushing! I knew it!" Fumika pointed out. Kamiko quickly put her hands over her reddened cheeks, feeling its temperature. It did feel a little warm to the touch. "Spill the beans. When did it start?"

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