25. Rainy Friday

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It was Friday, and Kamiko didn't have classes. She had handed in her art project a few days ago, so she didn't have to go to the studio either. The manga artist has been working on her work in the Ground Zero agency since the morning. It was an awfully rainy day today, so neither Ground Zero nor Chargebolt was out on patrol today. Bakugou can't use his explosions when all his sweat was being washed away by the rain, while Kaminari wanted to avoid accidentally electrocuting people in the rainy weather since water is conductive.

"Phew, it is pouring outside!" Kirishima exclaimed when he got back to the agency. "I need to re-gel my hair." He shook his head at the doorway like a dog shaking the water out of its fur. He took the thin poncho off of himself and put it on the hanger by the doorway. The red-haired hero stomped on the doormat to get all the mud off his feet.

"Hey welcome back! How was patrol?" Kaminari asked. The blonde hero held two mugs of hot tea and handed one to Kirishima.

"Well, boring I guess. Nothing much going on today especially with all that rain going on. But boy is it cold outside. Thanks, man! Gosh, and it was so hot yesterday. The temperature just suddenly dropped!" Kirishima thanked his friend.

"Tell me about it," Kaminari sighed. "I thought I'd be okay but two minutes after leaving my house I had to go back and grab my jacket."

Kaminari and Kirishima made it back into the heroes' office, where Bakugou was sitting at his desk and staring out the window. "Hey, I've been wondering..." Kirishima leaned over to Kaminari. "Is it just me or are the two of them acting kinda strange the past few days?" He pointed to Bakugou by the desk, and then Kamiko who was sitting at the table Inazumari set up for her all the way at the corner of the office.

"You noticed too?" Kaminari whispered back.

"Yeah, it's like they're avoiding each other or something... Did they get into a fight?" Kirishima asked.

"I don't think so, earlier when Bakugou bumped into Iki-san today he even apologized to her," Kaminari replied.

"He what?!" Kirishima whisper gasped. He quickly pulled Kaminari out of the office so neither Bakugou nor Kamiko could hear them. "He apologized?!"

"Yeah, he was like, 'Sorry.' And then he just turned away and walked away," Kaminari mimicked Bakugou's voice and expression with accuracy.

"That's the problem!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"What? He seemed pretty polite to m-" Kaminari cut himself off when he realized what was wrong. Bakugou polite?! Do those two words even go together?! Now that he thought about it, since when did Bakugou learn to apologize?! Kirishima nodded as Kaminari's face began to show horror and realization. Kaminari slowly covered his dropped jaws with his hand, looking down as he tried to wrap his brain around reality. "Dude I'm scared."

Kirishima and Kaminari stuck their heads at the doorway looking in. "Something is definitely going on between them. I can feel it," Kirishima said.

Bakugou glared outside in the rain. The water gliding down the window made it really difficult to see what was going on outside, but even so, Bakugou's eyes were glued to it. If he turned his head his eyes would immediately dart towards the shitty woman, and he doesn't want that.

He's seen her enough, especially in his dreams the past few days. There isn't one night she doesn't haunt him in his dreams. One night she appeared as a bunny girl, and another night she appeared in a slutty female version of his costume. He can't do this anymore. He can't see her with the same eyes as before.

But the more he tried not to look at her, the more glances he'd steal.

She's wearing a white short sleeve t-shirt with a pink bunny print on the front with a matching pink skirt. Bakugou didn't like the color pink, but damn does it look good on her. Cute. She put her hair up in a half up half down ponytail again. She's been wearing that hairstyle pretty often lately, and he had to admit it looks....decent. Better than that messy bun she always does when she's lazy.

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