27. Love?

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Potatoes, carrots, onions, and chicken breast. Kamiko held the basket while Bakugou dropped the things inside. "Anything else you want?" he asked.

She shook her head with a polite smile. "This is good." Bakugou nodded. They went to the register to check out their items.

The middle aged cashier's eyes lit up when she saw Bakugou. "Hey mister! I haven't seen you in a while! I was wondering where you've been! Is this your girlfriend?" she exclaimed excitedly.

"No! I'm/She's not!" Bakugou and Kamiko said simultaneously as Kamiko nearly slammed the basket onto the coveyor belt.

"Oh my!" the cashier placed a hand over her lips. "I'm so sorry! You two just look so good together I thought for sure..." She stopped when she noticed the obvious shade of pink on both their cheeks, and a knowing smirk spread across her lips. "Well....It's 2375 yen."

Bakugou slammed 2500 yen on the counter. The cashier hummed as she handed Bakugou his change. "Come again!"

Bakugou grabbed the bags of groceries with a snort and hurried out of the supermarket before the lady could say anything else to embarrass them. Kamiko quickly followed along. She cleared her throat in awkwardness as the two started heading back to Bakugou's apartment. Bakugou put his hands in his pockets, with the groceries hanging on his wrist. Kamiko walked with her hands held behind her back.

She kicked a pebble in front of her out of boredom. It's weird. She's usually a pretty talkative person, and there was actually a lot to talk about, such as the latest development of her manga, or that one of her favorite mangas is finally getting an anime adaptation. But every time she tried to say something the words just get stuck at the tip of her tongue, and she swallowed them back down.

When they got back to the apartment, Bakugou went straight to the kitchen. While he was cutting the vegetables, Kamiko peeked over the counter shyly, and asked, "Can I help?"

"Oh yeah, can you make the rice?" he asked. "Rice cooker's over there." He pointed to the counter behind him with his thumb. A smile made its way to her lips as Kamiko made her way inside the kitchen. Bakugou showed her where he kept the rice, and Kamiko measured just enough for one meal. After turning on the rice cooker, Kamiko had nothing to do again. She just sat at the table, watching Bakugou cook. He was so skilled with the knife, like a machine. The potatoes and carrots just go in whole and come out in pieces.

She didn't know when she fell asleep. She didn't even realize she was tired in the first place! When she came to, Bakugou was hovering over her, his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, wake up." She had never heard him speak so gently before. "Dinner's ready." He placed the plate of curry next to spot on the table she was leaning on. Kamiko slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh.... I fell asleep..." she mumbled.

"I know I said I'd get it done by 8, but it's already 9," Bakugou grumbled as he took a seat across from her. "Since you're tired, we'll just spend the night here. Would be too much work to go back to your place."

"Huh? No, but I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me I-"

"Just shut up and eat your food. We're staying here and that's final!" Bakugou clicked his tongue at her. Kamiko pulled her plate over and said her thanks. As always Bakugou makes the best curry. So good! A satisfied smile graced Bakugou's lips as his eyes softened at the woman sitting across from him when she closed her eyes in bliss.

After dinner, Bakugou told Kamiko to go take a shower. She got dust all over her clothes today, so he'd put those in the washing machine and let them dry overnight. Meanwhile, she could wear some of his old spare shirts and shorts.

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now