32. Kiss

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Kamiko woke up feeling heavy all over. Her head still ached, just a little bit, but she no longer felt like someone was hammering her head from the inside out. She could tell her fever was gone, but for some reason her muscles ached all over, especially in her thighs. Her eyes widened when she saw Bakugou sleeping on the edge of her bed, kneeling on the ground with his head on his arms, right next to her arm. In his right hand was a small towel. She wasn't quite sure what he did with the towel, but she was certain it had to do with her. Did he...stay up to take care of me the whole night? 

She pushed herself up, careful not to wake Bakugou. Normally any little sound or movement would wake the ash blonde hero. He is always on alert. However, this time Kamiko could hear a loud creak sound from her mattress, and yet Bakugou still slept soundly on the edge of her bed. He must be really tired. A small, warm feeling started growing in her chest as her eyes softened at the man.

It was already past nine. She had went to bed before ten last night. Could she have slept over 12 hours?! "Damn," she muttered softly. She had no idea when Bakugou fell asleep, and she was afraid to move and wake him. He's always the one who makes breakfast for her, maybe this time it's her turn to make food for him. 

She crawled out of bed, careful not to wake up the hero. She gently laid his blanket over him before she went into the kitchen to find out what she could whip up. She felt a drop of sweat run down the back of her head when she saw the left over congee from yesterday. Looks like Bakugou actually took care of breakfast for her again. I guess I can heat it up, and make some sunny side ups. She took out the pot of left over congee, as well as her half eaten bowl from yesterday. She heated her own bowl with the microwave, and the one in the pot on the stove. Grabbing a small frying pan, two eggs, and some vegetable oil, she began to make some eggs, the only non-microwave food she knew how to make.

She wondered if eggs and congee would be enough. Bakugou had actually put a decent amount of things in the congee already, like ginger, onion, and spinach, and Kamiko honestly had no idea what else she could add to the breakfast table. It's amazing how Bakugou is always able to make a table full of food for every meal of the day. And all she can do is make some eggs...

Once the food was done, she scooped the porridge into a bowl for Bakugou, and added a little to her half eaten bowl yesterday. She placed the sunny side ups on a plate and set the food on the coffee table. It was then that she wondered if she should wake him up for breakfast. He was already late for work, but he spent the entire night taking care of her. Conflicted between waking him up and letting him sleep, Kamiko knelt down beside him. She also put her head on the edge of the bed, facing Bakugou. She smiled blissfully at his bewitching good looks. The man almost always kept a scowl on his face, unimpressed with the whole world, but he looked so peaceful in his sleep, like a baby, a sexy baby. Kamiko giggled as she toyed with his bangs. It always amazed him how hair this soft could maintain such a spiky form. And his skin....

"So smooth... This is so unfair. Why would a guy need such smooth skin?" she muttered as she ran her thumb along his cheekbone.

"Nngh..." Bakugou's brows twitched.

"Uh oh." Kamiko quickly took her hand back.  Bakugou's face scrunched up uncomfortably before he slowly opened his eyes. There was an excruciating pain in his neck caused by the position he fell asleep in. He rubbed the back of his neck as he slowly pushed himself up with a loud groan. "G-Good morning Bakugou! Thanks for taking care of me last night. I heated up the left overs, we should e-eeeEEEHH!" Her eyes widened as her heart raced at what Bakugou was doing.

Eyes only half open, he lifted her bangs and pressed his forehead against hers. Satisfied with her temperature, his hands plopped down to the side and he placed his forehead right against her shoulder. Falling right back asleep, he released his body weight over Kamiko, catching her off guard and pushing her to the ground. "Oof!" Kamiko grunted when the back of her head hit her fuzzy round carpet below the coffee table. Bakugou's face rested on her breasts, his body crushing Kamiko as he slept. Kamiko covered her face with both hands, blushing madly and blissfully. A hot guy, not just any hot guy, the hot guy she likes, is sleeping on her-...her boobs! What do I do? I still haven't brushed my teeth, or changed my pads! Granted my first night isn't that heavy but still I should change it soon. AAHH! BUT I DON'T WANNA MOVE! Where's my phone I should take a picture. She looked around in search of the mobile device, until she remembered she left it on her desk last night. AAAAHHHH! WHY IS IT ALL THE WAY OVER THERE?! She let out an almost silent groan.

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