56. Argument

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For the past hour Kamiko has been explaining her situation with Bakugou to Shinsou, the only man on the face of Earth that she felt like she could open up to about these things. "So I don't know.... We're not dating. And honestly I don't know how he feels about me," Kamiko concluded.

Shinsou sat in silence, pure shock written on his face. The situation was much more complicated than he imagined. In the first place, he didn't even know Bakugou was capable of being so affectionate with someone. From his understanding of Bakugou, Shinsou doesn't believe Bakugou is the type to play around with girls' feelings. He's always been brutally honest, so if he didn't like Kamiko, he would have just said so. "Sounds to me like he likes you," Shinsou finally said after some consideration.

"The other day I confessed my feelings for him." Kamiko looked down, brows furrowed as she recalled the memory.


"He told me to shut up."

"What?!" From what Shinsou could comprehend, Bakugou definitely has feelings for Kamiko, or else he wouldn't do all those things with her, but why would he tell her to shut up? "What else did he say?"

"Well he didn't say it directly but his words implied that he wants our relationship to be ambiguous."

"What the fuck?" Shinsou frowned.  That doesn't sound like something Bakugou would say, but if he really did say that, then Bakugou's much more of an asshole than he thought. "And are you okay with that?"

"To be honest I have mix feelings..." Kamiko replied leaning back in her chair. Shinsou nodded at her. If he were in her shoes, he would most likely have the same reaction. There was a tight squeeze in her chest. The more she talks about it the more painful it gets. It's not like Bakugou's obligated to return her feelings. In the end she can't put too much hopes up, or else she's going to be the one to get hurt... Just like last time. "I guess as long as I don't get too serious it's okay. It's not like we're dating or anything... I'll just treat my relationship with Bakugou like having a friend with benefits you know?"


"So I'm just a fling to you?"

Kamiko's eyes widened when Bakugou's voice suddenly cuts Shinsou off. She turned to her right and there stood Bakugou, in his hero costume. His brows knitted tightly as his blood red eyes glared at the silver eyed woman. He bit down on the inside of his lower lip, as if that would distract him from the wrenching sensation in his chest. So in the end, it was all a lie? She said she loves me, and then goes telling some other man I'm just a fling. I'm nothing to her?

Kamiko's lips quivered, words stuck at depth of her throat. How long has he been there? How much did he hear? Shock and confusion filled her eyes when she recognized the pain in his eyes. Even though he's the one that has been confusing her. Even though he's the one that has been tormenting her, pushing her away, why does she suddenly feel so guilty? That's not it. That's not what I mean, she wanted to say. Before she could force the words to come out, Bakugou turned around and walked out of the cafe. Kamiko reached out, but her feet froze in place. What should she do?

Shinsou sat there mouth agape. Almost as if playing a movie on rewind, he replayed the entire situation in his head, taking in every single detail in Bakugou and Kamiko's expressions. At that moment he knew for sure neither of them are in this relationship with half hearted feelings. "What the fuck are you standing there for?! Go after him!" Shinsou snapped at Kamiko.

As if someone freed her of her shackles, Kamiko's feet lifted from the ground, and she dashed out of the glass doors. "Katsuki! Katsuki wait!"

"Don't fucking follow me!" Bakugou growled as he sped up.

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