43. Iki Seigi

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Before leaving for Musutafu, Bakugou once asked Kamiko if she wanted to visit home, and he could make an arrangement for it. For the past few months she has been restricted to home, school, and the agency. The only times she ever gone out was with Bakugou to go grocery shopping. There was that one time they went to the mall, but that ended with a car chase, and they barely got some shopping done. 

Bakugou overheard Kamiko turn down her friends over the phone multiple times, and he could clearly hear the disappointment in their voice and hers. Not once had she complained about being watched like this. She's always been super cooperative and respectful of their hero duties, so if she wanted to visit her family, Bakugou felt like that was the least he could do for her.

However, she answered, "Ugh, I'd rather not go home. In fact, my parents don't know about my situation, and I prefer it that way."

"I thought we told you it's okay to tell your family about your current situation," Bakugou replied.  Kamiko's face scrunched up at his response. She scratched the back of her head while avoiding Bakugou's gaze. Finally, her eyes rested on the clothes she was folding and let out a deep sigh.

"My dad...isn't exactly supportive of my choice in career," she said.

"Manga artist?"

"Any artist. He can't say anything now because I'm actually making money and living off of it, but he'll find any excuse to get me to quit and go back. This is why I'm reluctant to go home during breaks even if my life wasn't in danger. I'd go back to visit for a few days at most, and I have to come back. It's a little suffocating to be at home," Kamiko explained. Bakugou felt like he understood that feeling, since he and Mitsuki always fought at home. However, the constant fighting was just part of his lifestyle, not something that really bothered him. In Kamiko's case, however, she feels uncomfortable around her father, and that's what makes her reluctant to return.

Kamiko woke up to Uraraka's third alarm. She slept through the first two, but by the third time, her eyes finally fluttered open. Uraraka seemed to have also decided third time was the charm, because she finally forced herself to crawl out of bed. It always takes her three to five alarms to finally get out of bed. "Good morning Kamiko-chan, sorry about the alarm, haha!" Uraraka greeted groggily. 

"Good morning Ochaco-chan," Kamiko sat up from the bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and wondering what time it was.

Uraraka flipped through the texts she received while she was asleep. "Ah, it looks like the raid ended up in a success! No major injuries on the heroes' side!"

"That's good to hear!" Kamiko breathed in relief, knowing her friends are okay. The two of them took turns with the bathroom to do their morning routines.

While Kamiko was brushing her teeth, Uraraka continued to read the text messages. "Except apparently the suspect they were after didn't appear like they thought he would," Uraraka's brows furrowed. "That means our lead on the League is cut again."

Kamiko eyed the brunette nervously. "That's a bad thing...right?" She rinsed her mouth and splashed some water on her face to wake her up for the day. 

"Well, it's not good but it's nothing new. We're just back to square one now. Hey, but the last message Deku sent me is kinda weird. He said some complications had occurred and said for you to get ready...?" Uraraka raised a brow.

"Ready for what?"

"Didn't say...."

Ding Dong!

"That was fast!" Uraraka hopped back to her closet. "Please wait a moment!" She quickly rummaged around to find a bra and slid it on under her cotton t-shirt while Kamiko did the same. They both wore a baggy short sleeve t-shirt and cotton shorts to sleep so they weren't embarrassed to see people in their pajamas. "You good?" Uraraka asked Kamiko as she made her way to the front door. Kamiko gave the hero a thumbs up, and the brunette then opened the door to whoever was outside. "Baku-" She expected a certain ash blonde to be standing out there with a scowl, and he certainly was there, with a rare, nervous look on his face.

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