55. First Crush

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It was the end of summer. As soon as  the sun made its way behind the high rises, there was a cool chill in the air. The young silver haired freshman shivered a little as a gust of wind greeted her in the face. Little bumps forming on her skin, she rubbed her arms up and down trying to create some warmth. "You cold?" a male voice caught her attention. Looking up, she was greeted by a boy with messy auburn hair and almond shaped golden orbs. He wore a black track jacket with white stripes running along the arms. His smile was slightly crooked, but it was kind of refreshing.

The boy unzipped the jacket and wrapped it around her body, leaving himself in a white short sleeve t-shirt. "Um, thank you, but I don't want you to feel cold," the girl was about to take the jacket off, but the boy just patted her shoulders and smiled.

"Nah, just keep it! It's against my morals to leave a young lady shivering in the cold. Well, I'll see ya around!" the boy then waved and walked off.

"W-Wait! I forgot to ask your name!" the girl shouted at him.

"It's Suzuki! Suzuki Arata!" The boy shouted back as he ran off. 

Suzuki Arata, the girl repeated in her head. She'll have to remember that name if she wants to return this jacket. Since she saw him on campus, he should be a student here, right? He also said he'll see her around...

"Hey Miko-chan! Whatcha standing here for?" Suddenly she felt a pat on her back. Kamiko gasped as she turned around, only to find her friend Akemi standing behind her. Akemi raised a brow at Kamiko, her head tilting a little as she studied the jacket her friend was wearing. "Where'd you get the jacket?"

"Some guy gave it to me," Kamiko answered.

"Hah? Some guy?" 

Kamiko nodded. "He said his name is Suzuki Arata, or something like that."

For the next few days, Kamiko continued to carry the washed jacket around in a bag, hoping to find the boy who had lent it to her that day. On the fifth day, Kamiko sat on the bench next to the koi pond at the heart of the campus. She let out a sigh as she stared at the fish swimming close to the surface. "I wonder where he is...Suzuki Arata..."

"You called?" a familiar voice rung in her ear. Kamiko whirled around, her silver orbs meeting a pair of golden ones. Arata's face lit up at the sight of Kamiko. "Ah! It's you!"

"Ahhh! I finally found you!" Kamiko exclaimed as she shot up, pointing at the red haired boy. Arata pointed to himself wide eyed, seemingly confused. Then, Kamiko pushed the bag in her hand towards him. "Your jacket! I've been meaning to give it back!"

"Oh!" Taking the bag from her, Arata smiled. "You really didn't have to."

"No no, I have to. Thank you so much for the other day," Kamiko bowed at the red haired boy.

The boy's eyes narrowed at the girl, his lips curling upward into that refreshing crooked grin. "I never caught your name."

"I'm Iki Kamiko. First year." The girl returned the smile politely.

Arata placed his right hand out towards her. "Suzuki Arata, also first year! Nice to meet you!" Kamiko gently placed her hand in his. The boy's grip tightened as he gave her a firm shake.

Since then, the two of them happened to run into each other quite often around campus. Arata majors in Japanese History. Because of him, Kamiko and her friends started hanging out a lot with the guys from the history department.

Arata and Kamiko, however, seemed to take a special interest in each other. "Is that your sketchbook?" Arata pointed to the black notebook in Kamiko's hand as they were walking towards the 5th teaching building.

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