2. Fight Me

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Bakugou sat on the couch in his office with a big scowl on his face. "Hmmph....." he breathed.

"How many times is that today?" asked Inazumari.

"Too many to count," Clearvo replied as he played candy crush on his phone.

"I wonder what happened."

"I told you he's just menstruating. Let him be."

Bakugou couldn't get Kamiko out of his mind. That face. The same exact face. Those same dazed looking eyes, as if she were out of this world. No wonder she almost got hit by the truck. It's hard to believe that after all these years he finally saw her again.

After that match during the sports festival, Bakugou went to Class C multiple times to challenge Kamiko. The first few times he'd catch her and drag her to the training ground, with permission from Aizawa of course. After a few times she seemed to have disappeared from the face of earth. When he went to find her again, her classmates told him she transferred. To hell with that?!

And out of nowhere she just suddenly appears in this city! This city! Where he set up his hero agency! Someone tell him that this is a coincidence, because otherwise he's gonna believe it's some sort of curse!

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his ringtone. Unexpectedly, Bakugou Katsuki actually uses the standard ringtone that comes with his smartphone. There was once a fan discussion about what kind of ringtone Ground Zero would use, and a lot of them decided on some hard rock, but reality is quite disappointing. "What do you want Shitty Hair?" Bakugou spoke into the phone.

"Hey man! I saw the news, good work today with the robber! Are you free later this afternoon? I'm actually in town to attend to my cousin's wedding, wanna meet up?" Kirishima's voice came pouring into Bakugou's ear. Over the past few years he hasn't really made an effort to stay in touch with anyone in particular, but Kirishima, his self proclaimed best friend, kept bugging him every now and then to catch up on things.

"Ha? Why would I-"

"Okay then it's settled! There's an amazing barbecue place on Beika third street, called Red Pot Yakiniku or something..."

"It's Red HOT Yakiniku you dumbass!"

"Oh yeah that that! Haha, of course you'd know it better than me, this is your territory after all!" Kirishima laughed. "Well see you there at 6! Don't be late!" Years of being friends with Bakugou made Kirishima a complete Bakugou Katsuki Encyclopedia. The red head knows that although Bakugou attempts to act all 'I don't care about you fuck off,' he actually answers to his friends' callings, especially if you insist.

Bakugou got out of his hero costume at 5:30, and started heading down the street to where Kirishima asked to meet him. The Beika streets are located in where the locals call the college town. There are quite a few colleges and universities in this city, so it's always buzzling with young people. This was another reason why Bakugou chose to set up his agency in this place. He'd rather deal with young people than older people. Meihan University of Arts and Science is located right along the Beika third street. Across from Meihan is Toukyoku University, which is known for its engineering department.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima exclaimed when he saw the grumpy ash blonde walking towards him from all the way down the street. The red headed hero waved his hands violently. "Over here!"

Bakugou stopped in front of Kirishima. "I'm not blind Shitty Hair I know my way!" They were standing in front of Red Hot Yakiniku.

"Hey man it's been such a long time! How've you been doing? Hey loosen up, if you keep frowning like that you'll get wrinkles in no time!" Kirishima draped his arm over Bakugou's shoulders. "Let's go in, I'm famished." Bakugou let out a low grumble, but he followed Kirishima in. "Not in the best mood today are we? What happened?"

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now