3. Everywhere

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Kamiko placed her bag on the floor. Both Bakugou and her were not in their work out clothes, especially not Kamiko. Ever since she graduated high school she long forgot what it's like to wear sweats. "Um.... How are we gonna do this?" she asked Bakugou, who seemed to be stretching his arms and legs at the other side of the room.

The underground training ground is a big, white tiled room designed to be fire and sound proof. It's plenty big, but Kamiko's realm is still big enough to cover the whole place. Is there even a purpose in fighting? Well he could surprise attack her before she has the reaction time to activate her quirk, but if she knows he's gonna attack her, it only takes a split second to spread her territory over the entire room.

"Same as before," Bakugou said. "Count to three, we begin. Until one passes out or can't move."

They've gone at it like that more times than Kamiko could count. Each time it ended up with Bakugou unable to move. "Ready?" a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Kamiko flinched and looked around, no one else was in the room, then she saw a speaker on the ceiling. "Hi, I'm Ground Zero's sidekick Clearvo. I'll be counting down to ensure a fair fight!" Clearvo must be watching from another room. "Okay now ready? Begin!"

"Explosion turbo!" Bakugou blasted himself at Kamiko.

"Territory!" In an instant Bakugou was inside a bubble like space with Kamiko in the center. Instead of charging all the way at Kamiko, Bakugou made a few explosions all around the room, creating a smoke screen. After all those fights they had in high school, Bakugou already knew all about Kamiko's quirk. Despite her being the absolute ruler of the inside of her territory, she has to be able to know where he is in order to control him.

She could use the trick she used when they first fought, and that is increasing the gravity under him. During the sports festival, she increased the gravity under Bakugou, causing him to stick to the ground, and cannot even budge or stand up. However, in order to do that, she too, must know where he is, because she can't alter the gravity of a large area. Not only that, gravity alteration is such a dangerous technique, that if she's not careful she could even affect herself.

Kamiko sensed Bakugou from behind. She turned herself around and placed her hand up towards Bakugou, just at the exact moment his explosion was about to greet her. With her hand out, the flames and shock wave all split apart creating a clear way for her to see Bakugou. "Gotcha-" However before she could place her control on him, Bakugou lept into the smoke screen again.

Suddenly a big explosion was coming her way, but with a wave of her hand, Kamiko was able to deflect it. "Bakugou, I think you keep forgetting that inside this territory, I control everything. Sneak attacks won't work," she said as she blocked another one of his explosion attacks. Bakugou wasn't landing a scratch on her, and she was gracious enough to repair all the damage caused by Bakugou within the territory.

"Like I care! Now die!" This has got to be one of the biggest explosions Bakugou could manage without his grenade gadget.

Kamiko sighed. "I told you it's useless...." she muttered. The explosion hit everywhere except Kamiko, and this time she was really getting annoyed. "Time to end this." She took a deep breath, and she raised her hands just up to her chest level, then she pushed her hands down. Along with her hands all the smoke went dying down, and Bakugou was visible just a few meters away.

In an instant Bakugou found himself on the ground. "Nngh!"

"I told you Bakugou-kun, I can control everything, even your smoke." Kamiko walked towards Bakugou and bent down in front of him, a few feet away so she doesn't get affected by the gravity. "I have class tomorrow so I need to go. No way am I staying for round 2, 3, 4, and 5. Good night."

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now