47. Flirting

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Bakugou had already scheduled his day off for the day after he got back from the mission at Musutafu, so it was the perfect chance for him to sleep in and enjoy the first night he spent sleeping with his girlfriend in the same bed. The gods seemed to be agreeing with him because the first thing Bakugou heard in the morning was the pitter patter of heavy rain outside.

The sun usually rise up early in the summer, but today the room was still dark, almost making Bakugou wonder if he woke up in the middle of the night  until he checked his phone, which read 9:32. He put his phone back down. Kamiko was curled up against him, her arm wrapped around his torso as her legs tangled with his. God, he wondered why he hadn't done this sooner. 

Even though it was the middle of summer, the pouring rain still made the air quite chilly. Bakugou pulled the blanket over her shoulder, and rubbed his hand up and down her arm in attempt to give her some warmth. Soft kisses often sooth the nerve and make girls feel loved, he once read in an article, so that's what he did. He placed little butterfly kisses all around her forehead and cheeks, careful not to wake her up. Was he trying a little too hard to be a good boyfriend? Maybe. But this was his and Kamiko's relationship; he wanted nothing short of the best.

Bakugou knew that as a celebrity-like figure, he had eyes constantly on him, waiting for the opportunity to pry into his private life. It's not that he didn't want people knowing he had a girlfriend, but he didn't want her to be in the center of attention. Being targeted by the League was one thing, but he just genuinely didn't want people stalking her and bothering her. In that sense, he knew he could never give her what was considered a normal relationship, so he wanted to make it up with as much as he can. 

"Mmm....Katsuki?" Kamiko murmured against him. He looked down. Did he wake her up? Her eyes were barely open in little slits. Her face was a little bit swollen from the sleep, but it only made her look cuter in his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost ten. Go back to sleep if you're still tired," Bakugou whispered. 

"I feel heavy..." Kamiko mumbled. The rain always made her extra groggy. "And I can't open my eyes...." Perhaps it was all the crying she did yesterday that caused her eyes to swell, or it could just be the rain. She heard a light chuckle come out of Bakugou's lips.

"Then sleep."

"But don't you have to go to work?"

"Not today."

"That's good," she murmured as her arm around him tightened. A ghost of smile made it's way to her lips while she shifted her head so she was up and close against his neck. She inhaled deeply. "You smell nice...." Her breath tickled against his neck, causing Bakugou's body to grow dangerously hot. "....like candy....." Her lips brushed against his skin. Bakugou grabbed her face with his free hand, squeezing her cheek between his fingers, pushing her face away. She let out a disappointed and groggy whine. Bakugou exhaled almost out of relief. She was still half asleep. 

"I swear to fucking god shitty woman, if you do that I'll take it as an invitation," Bakugou hissed at her.

"Do what....?" She asked, opening her sleepy right eye to only see a blur of colors. 

Gosh she was so cute. Bakugou stared at her peach colored lips which was squeezed into a pucker. One swoop was all it took and her lips were his. Kamiko's eyes burst open at the sudden contact, her reaction a little slow against Bakugou's sudden surprise attack. He took advantage of the fact that her lips were squeezed open to slide his tongue right in. Crap! Kamiko thought as he quickly claimed his territory against her. How ironic.

He flipped himself over so he was on top of her. He was careful to support his weight with his knees and elbows so he doesn't crush her, but he laid low enough that her chest was rubbing right against his.

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