35. Shinkansen

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Kamiko was absolutely stunned by the speed of these professional heroes. Friday Bakugou told them about the trip, and Saturday morning they're already at the train station! They literally take no time to pack!

"The party is on Monday. We go home tomorrow, and Sunday we'll gather at the shitty nerd's place for planning. The time is 10:00 am." Bakugou spoke in code at the Izakaya. Heroes usually refer to their missions as parties when they're out in public to prevent possible villains from overhearing their operation.

Kamiko sat quietly sipping her drink as the heroes and sidekick talked, enjoying the good food. Once the talk about the mission was over, they made a toast with everyone in the agency for the first time. Kaminari got completely wasted. Kamiko was a careful drinker, and Bakugou could really hold his liquor.

The dinner ended with Kirishima carrying Kaminari home, and everyone went back to pack.

Kaminari really impressed Kamiko by actually being on time. With his level of wasted yesterday she was sure he wouldn't make the Shinkansen this early in the morning. "Ugh... My head hurts." Well that was to be expected considering the state he was in yesterday.

"The Shinkansen to Musutafu will now be arriving at..." Once the public announcement announced the arrival of their train, the heroes and Kamiko adjusted their backpacks and headed for the platform.

The six of them on the platform waited for the door of the white train to open, and then they all got on the Shinkansen, and quickly found their seats. Kirishima and Kaminari put their bags on the overhead shelf, but there was more than enough leg room between seats so Kamiko just kept her bag in front of her.

She took the window seat beside Bakugou while Kirishima sat with Kaminari, Clearvo with Inazumari. "Ah, so tired...." Kamiko sighed as she relaxed into her seat.

"Tell me about it," Kaminari groaned from the seat in front, causing Kamiko to chuckle.

"You shouldn't have drank so much yesterday." She tapped the back of his seat.

Kaminari groaned. "I really shouldn't have."

"How long is the ride?" Kirishima asked.

"Four hours," Bakugou replied nonchalantly.

Kamiko bent down and unzipped her backpack, catching the attention of the ash blonde who sat next to her. Bakugou watched her take out her laptop and earbuds. She let the food tray down from the seat in front of her, and placed her laptop on there. After plugging in her earbuds she offered an ear to Bakugou. "Wanna watch anime together? It's a long ride," she asked.

"What do you have?" asked Bakugou as he took the ear piece offered to him.

"Um..." Kamiko felt sweat roll down her temple as her eyes darted sideways awkwardly. "BL...." She wasn't embarrassed, but rather a little guilty since she knew how the genre made Bakugou feel. As expected, Bakugou threw the ear piece at her, the small plastic bud striking her straight into the forehead. "Ow!" She rubbed the place she got hit.

"Disgusting." Bakugou clicked his tongue and looked away in annoyance.

"Oh come on, you had no trouble reading the mangas. It's not smutty at all I swear. It's a really plot heavy mystery anime with BL on the side." Kamiko pushed the earbud in Bakugou's face again. "Come on, maybe you'll like it!"

Behind the two of them sat Clearvo and Inazumari. "I don't really get why Iki-san keeps trying to convert Boss into liking BL," Clearvo whispered to Inazumari.

Inazumari, who was going through some papers, simply replied, "Maybe she just wants someone to share the same interest as her."

Bakugou groaned as Kamiko slid the ear piece in his left ear. She chuckled at his annoyed yet helpless scowl. Cute! Bakugou sat with his brows furrowed while he watched her pull up her files. She had a whole folder of BL anime stored on her laptop! However, by now Bakugou was no longer surprised.

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