44. Kamiko's Childhood

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"Kamiko-chan can you help me with this?"

"Kamiko-chan can you carry the trash out for me?"



Every single day she got requests from her classmates to do this and that for them because of how convenient her quirk is. Sometimes Kamiko would speak up and tell them to do their own chores, and that she was busy, but every time she would get a response like this, "But you can get it done in a second! Why are you so stingy? Heroes always help people in need."

"But I don't want to be a hero," Kamiko replied. And you don't NEED my help.

"You don't like helping people!? I'm going to go tell everyone that you're a selfish meanie, and you're gonna be a villain when you grow up!"

"I'm not gonna be a villain!"

"Yes you are!"

"Fine! I'll help you! Gosh!" 

It was always like that. Children were really manipulative. They knew that if they told others that Kamiko was a selfish person, she wouldn't be able to make friends. Kamiko knew that it was wrong of them to spread false information, but she didn't want people to ostracize her, so she always did as they said.

Her parents tried to condition her into liking heroes. For some reason they always thought that Kamiko didn't like heroes. Only Takeru truly understood her. Kamiko doesn't dislike heroes, in fact she thinks they're amazing, but she just doesn't want to be like them. She knew she was not like them. It's the same thing as "Oh wow you can speak Chinese? That's so cool! Oh do I wanna learn Chinese? Nah I'm good." However, people just don't quite understand that. 

"Kamiko look! An All Might figurine! What do you think? Do you like it?" Seigi once came home with a box of a limited edition All Might figurine. Apparently he had lined up for hours to get it. 

"Wow, Papa! That's cool!" Kamiko exclaimed, though Seigi could notice the obvious disinterest in her eyes. After her short little reply, she quickly went back to doodling on the living room floor again. Seigi's brows furrowed worriedly as he sat down next to his daughter.

He had noticed children her age would always be outside playing pretend heroes, but his daughter seemed to have no such interests. He wouldn't have had a problem with it if Kamiko had inherited his or her mother's useless quirks, but she was different. She had the raw talent and potential to surpass even All Might himself, Seigi could tell. And the very thought of her wasting that talent, simply disappearing into the shadows of society, bothered him as a father.

"Kamiko, what do you think about All Might?" he asked. All Might is the greatest hero of all times, and is considered the ideal hero by both the older and younger generations. If there was one person that could spark Kamiko's interest in heroes, surely it must be All Might.

"Mm, he's cool! But he's too big," Kamiko sat up, holding her hands over her shoulders and gesturing the bulkiness of All Might's arms. "I don't like guys like that, it's scary."

Seigi let out a light hearted chuckle. She's only eight years old, yet she seemed to be already developing taste in men. "Well then what kind of guys do you like?" he asked.

"Like Tuxedo Mask!" Kamiko beamed. Both her hands were balled into fists, a light blush forming on her round cheeks. 

Seigi raised a brow. "Tuxedo what?"

"It's the male lead of that really old anime she watches," Kamiko's mother said, for she overheard them talking from the kitchen. "The one about the pretty girl warriors."

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