13. The Room

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There were policemen, firefighters, and construction workers everywhere, clearing out the wreckage caused by the attack today. Bakugou walked alongside Kamiko as they headed down the streets of Tsukuba. He was back in his hero costume, though it was a tattered a bit. His left arm, torso, and forehead were still wrapped in bandages, but Recovery Girl really did wonders on him. Normally people wouldn't be able to get out of bed after the injuries Bakugou went through. 

"What are you staring at?" Bakugou snarled at Kamiko. Kamiko's eyes widened. Was she staring?

"Oh uh, I was just thinking how amazing Recovery Girl's quirk is. She got you up and running in less than a day, that's pretty awesome." The young manga artist rubbed the back of her neck, smiling awkwardly at the taller blonde next to her. 

Bakugou hummed, turning his head back to the front to face the direction where they were headed. "That old hag? That's nothing. Your quirk is much more amazing."

D-Did Bakugou just compliment me? Kamiko's jaws dropped. He said it so nonchalantly it took her a while to fully comprehend it. A light blush dusted over her cheeks. Although she's gotten that from practically everyone she's met in her life, for some reason when Bakugou says it it felt different, and it made her feel flattered. "Gee...I- uh.... Thanks!" 

"It's just the truth." 

The calm version of Bakugou always amuses her. He's like a whole another person, but not really. She wondered if this was the magic of time and maturity. Back then when they were in high school, Bakugou was either silent or screaming with no in between. It's nice to talk to him at normal volume.

Kamiko was so glad to see her apartment safe and sound. With everything that happened, she wouldn't be surprised if someone blew up or knocked down her residence. "This is my apartment, so thanks for walking me back," Kamiko said to Bakugou. The man hummed, but he didn't show any sign of leaving. He followed Kamiko into the building, and even up the stairs to the third floor, all the way to her doorway. "Um....would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" She asked, raising a brow, expecting him to decline and leave. 

However, the man just followed her inside, closing the door behind him. He took off his shoes at the entrance and stepped inside without much hesitation. Since she offered him tea, she can't chase him out now, so Kamiko just sighed and led him into her room. She lived in a one bedroom apartment, so her bedroom was literally ten steps away from the doorway. 

Kamiko opened the door and patted the wall to the right of the doorway, turning on the switch to her bedroom lights. Bakugou froze at the scene before him. At that moment he instantly regretted his decision to follow her inside.

Posters everywhere. Naked, half-naked men. Posters of guys kissing, hugging, and very suggestive poses..... Fuck there's a giant wall scroll of two naked guys rubbing against each other, with their private area censored out in a white blob! "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!" Bakugou shouted.

"Shhhh! There are neighbors!" Kamiko placed an index finger to her lips. Bakugou just pointed to the poster, and then the other, looking back and forth between Kamiko and the posters on the wall, his voice failing to come out but his eyes pleading for an answer. Kamiko rolled her eyes. "What do you expect? I told you I'm a BL manga artist."

Bakugou stared at her as if she were the most bizarre creature he's ever laid eyes on. Kamiko blinked as Bakugou sunk his gaze on her. After a good thirty seconds of his staring, the man finally broke the silence with, "Fucking disgusting," to which Kamiko could only chuckle and apologize sarcastically while rolling her eyes. 

She told Bakugou to sit down at the round wooden coffee table on the floor next to her bed. There was a white fluffy carpet underneath the coffee table, and Bakugou plopped right on the carpet, leaning his back against her bed as the woman shuffled around her kitchen, filling the kettle with cold water from the water dispenser. 

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