28. Atmosphere

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It wasn't every day that they stayed at the agency until dusk. Kamiko sat on the edge of the window sill, gazing at the beautiful purple, mixing into pink, then yellow, then orange, then red at the horizon. It was beautiful. 

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she wondered when Bakugou will come back from his hero work today. They hadn't said a thing to each other all day, and it was killing her. What does he think of her? Why did he kiss her? Was it just the spur of the moment that caused both their hormones to act up, or does he genuinely like her? The kiss..... Oh god he was so good at kissing. Perhaps he had a girlfriend before?

She hasn't been able to focus on her school work or manga either. Each time she tried to sit down and focus on something else, she keeps remembering the kiss. Oh the sweet kiss. Kamiko placed her fingers on her lips. She could almost still feel his lingering heat.

Soon, the sun had completely set, and the moon was out. Kamiko felt a little hungry, but she continued to wait in the empty office. Speaking of empty, Kamiko just realized. Where is everyone?

"They all went home." Bakugou suddenly appeared at the entrance of the office. Kamiko placed her hand over her mouth. She was sure she said it in her head, did she perhaps accidentally say it out loud? She watched Bakugou walk inside. He had taken his gauntlets and his mask off.

"Oh... That's weird. Inazumari-san usually stays until really late," Kamiko replied. Bakugou dropped his gloves on his desk, and stood right before her. Kamiko gulped. She leaned back against the window, but the more she leaned back the more Bakugou leaned in.

"I sent him back," Bakugou whispered. 

"W-Why?" Kamiko blurted. Bakugou put both hands on the window sill, on either side of her. She stopped breathing when Bakugou leaned his face close to hers. She didn't dare to even blink.

"You really can't tell?" he breathed.

"I-" She could feel his hot breath against her skin. All of a sudden she lost control of her body, words just started coming out. "I don't want to assume."

"Well what are you assuming?" Bakugou's lips were merely millimeters away. His red orbs half lidded, gazing straight into her silver hues expectantly.

Kamiko gulped. He seemed to be waiting for something, for her answer. "Do you like me?" she asked.

Bakugou smirked. His hand slowly caressed her face, his eyes trickled down to her lips. "I'll leave that up to your assumption." His lips grazed hers teasingly, but he  was still waiting for something. "What about you?"

"I like you." The words just came out before she could even think, like he had extracted those words out of her.

Getting the answer he wanted, Bakugou pulled her lips against his. She welcomed his tongue against her own, enjoying the sensation of him dominating her wet cavern. "Mmn." She relaxed into his touch. Bakugou placed his hands below her thighs, lifting her up against the window, wrapping her legs around his waist. Kamiko threw her hands around his neck, running her fingers through his soft yet spiky hair.

Bakugou grunted as he slowly rocked his hips against hers. Kamiko moaned softly against his lips each time she felt him rub against her. "Bakugou.... Oh Bakugou...." She whispered his name. Oh god that feels so good! 

"Kamiko...." Bakugou pulled away. She panted heavily in attempt to catch her breath. Bakugou pressed his forehead against her. "Kamiko....."

"...hah.....hahh..... Yeah?" She panted.

"It's time to wake up."


Her eyes snapped open to a white ceiling and a bright, unfamiliar room. Where- Oh right.... I slept at Bakugou's place last night, Kamiko realized. Suddenly the memories of her dream came pouring into her brain. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! She grabbed the pillow below her and slammed it over her face to mute her scream. What the fucking dipshit Kamiko?!!!!! What in the world are you fantasizing?! Stop! Stop! Stop! You pervert! AHHHH! Imagining guys doing guys is one thing but fantasizing a guy doing herself?! Oh my god what is wrong with me?!

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