66. Return

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When she finally decided to drop out of UA and attend an arts school to pursue her passion, Kamiko never once thought that she'd one day come back. It was a 'no going back' kind of decision that she didn't regret. She did miss the dorm life here, the good old times she spent hanging out with Shinsou and the others, taking care of their dorm pet, Mikan. However, she never realized how much she hated this place until she once again stood before the front gates of UA High.

The memories of getting dragged out of her classroom into training ground Gamma or training ground Beta started rushing back to her. Ironically, the other main character of her high school memories stood right beside her. "When I said I wanted to go on a vacation after I recover, I meant like Okinawa or something," she uttered.

"There's a pool. You can play in there," Bakugou replied.

"That's not the point!" Kamiko slapped her palm to her forehead. "I-... Why UA?"

Bakugou crossed his arms, and peered at Kamiko from the corners of his eyes. "It's the safest place for you right now Dipshit."

Kamiko felt an imaginary tear roll down her cheeks; a sad smile spread over her lips. "I'm supposed to be working with animators for my anime adaptation." And yet here she was, back at the school she never wanted to attend, about to do the thing she never wanted to do.

"You said you'd train your quirk for self defense," Bakugou reminded her.

"When I said that I was thinking about the underground gym in your agency."

Bakugou rolled his eyes as he grabbed the handle of her large pink suitcase. "Let's go. Principal Nezu prepared a vacant staff dorm for us," he said. Grabbing Kamiko by the wrist, he started pulling her into the school gates. Kamiko's eyes widened at Bakugou's profile, because for a second she swore she saw him in his high school uniform, looking a few years younger. She couldn't help but wonder if this was what it would be like if they got to know each other better back then. Would they have dated?

Noticing her gaze, Bakugou turned his head, and smirked. Kamiko's face immediately turned red. It was weird. She has been faced with this handsome, sexy, hunk of a man for months, and in the beginning nothing he did made her feel nervous, but why is it that everything he does now makes her heart go crazy?! After all, shouldn't she be used to hot men? Who am I kidding? There's no way anyone can get used to hot men. Kamiko internally chuckled. "Like what you see?" Bakugou asked.

"Have I ever told you you're hot?"

"Only about ten thousand times or so," Bakugou rolled his eyes at her, but the smile on his face never faded. Kamiko felt him interlock his fingers with hers, causing her heart to race. Oh god, Bakugou couldn't get enough of the way her face would turn bright red whenever he held her close like this. Whenever he saw her make that expression, like a lost little bunny cowering before the predator, he could feel his blood rushing to his lower region, exciting him in a way that nothing else could. "Fucking shit, stop making that face," he growled lowly as he pulled her in. "It makes me want to fuck you."

"K-Katsuki!" Kamiko looked around, making sure there were no students walking around at this time. Bakugou snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her close so her stomach touched his.

"Gosh darn it Kamiko, if it weren't for that stupid wound I would have fucked you ten times by now," he muttered.

Kamiko buried her tomato shade face in Bakugou's chest. "Katsuki, stop.... Seriously we're in public..." she said in a muffled voice. Bakugou let out a low and victorious chuckle as he patted her on the back.


Principal Nezu looked just how Kamiko remembered him. Small, cheerful, furry.... She suddenly recalled that this mouse, dog, whatever this creature is, has been principal here since forever. How old is this guy anyways? She wondered, causing her to completely tune out on conversation he had with Bakugou.

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