69. Begun

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"You're saying...she's dead?"

The silver haired man felt the hair on the back of his neck stand in alert as he stood face to face with the villain the entire world has been looking for, Shigaraki Tomura. He could feel the sweat drenching the back of his shirt. He was good at acting natural, but there was nothing natural about meeting the most wanted criminal of the world, especially knowing that he could kill him with a flick of a finger.

"Apologies. Heroes were arriving at the scene. The chances of capturing her alive to too slim, so we ended up killing her," Miura Ryuichi said.

From the other side of the room, a man with spiky black hair and dark purple burn scars covering his body stood and walked over. "That's not what we agreed on." Blue flames lit up in his hands as he made his way towards Ryuichi.

"The Blood Tigers specialize in information gathering, not kidnapping. Maybe if you guys spared us some people we would have been able to bring her back in one piece." Ryuichi and Dabi glared at each other.

Shigaraki Tomura placed a hand up, signaling for Dabi to back down. However, the scarred man refused to step back. "I'm going to put this out there. I don't trust you."

"Touche," Ryuichi smirked. His lashes were unusually long for a man, and his facial structure was relatively smooth, giving him a more feminine look. When he smirked, the man looked more like a seductive woman than a handsome young man. However, under that feminine looking face was a muscular figure that didn't quite match his looks.

Dabi put out the flames in his hands as he stepped back. "Get out of here doll face. We got no more business with you."

"Are you sure about that?"

The silver haired man held a vial in his hand. Shigaraki's eyes narrowed at the vial. "Sit. Let's take our time to talk this out."


"Go out?" Kamiko's head popped out from the bathroom door, looking into the bedroom, where Bakugou stood. The blonde man looked back at the young woman who held a tooth brush in her hand had foam on the corners of her mouth. He had brought up the question, asking whether or not she wants to go out tomorrow.

"You've been training for five days straight. Your body needs a break. We could go somewhere tomorrow if you want. Or stay in," he said. "Up to you."

Kamiko disappeared into the bathroom, and Bakugou could hear a loud spit sound as well as running water before Kamiko came back out. "Are you asking me out on a date?" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she ran up to Bakugou. The blonde man leaned back, almost as if he were intimidated by her enthusiasm. 

Bakugou's eyes darted to the side, contemplating his answer. Part of him wanted to be honest and say yes, for he was looking forward to spending some time with her, doing something more couple-like. However, there was another part of him that hated the way she pointed him out like that. "N-No! I just- I'm just offering to do something since it's your rest day."

Kamiko's curled upward as she noticed his reddening ears and darting eyes. Ever since she took a break from school and put her manga on hiatus, Kamiko has had a lot more time to spend with Bakugou, and she began to notice these little details to him, such as the way he looks away when he lies, and the way his ears turn red when he's flustered. He's generally a very confident man, so it always makes her heart flutter, knowing that she's the one who's getting these reactions out of him. 

"You're not very honest Katsuki," Kamiko chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Bakugou's waist was very skinny for a man of his stature, Kamiko could easily touch her elbows with her arms around him. 

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