18. Daily Life of a Manga Artist

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"What's this?" A bag laying in the corner of Kamiko's room caught Bakugou's interest. They had finished cleaning the dishes, and there was essentially nothing to do. He vaguely remembered that some guy brought this bag over yesterday for Kamiko. He walked over and bent down curiously to see what was inside.

"Hey I don't think you-" Before Kamiko could stop him Bakugou pulled out a DVD container from the bag. His eyes expanded to the size of golf balls when he saw the graphic content on the cover, and threw it against the wall like he was shaking off a spider. "Ah....." Too late, Kamiko thought.

"What the fuck was that?!" Bakugou demanded.

"Just...you know...references?" the manga artist answered, shrugging at him. "H-Hey! Don't make that face! I'm not some piece of trash you know!" She shouted when she saw the disgust in Bakugou's eyes. She collected the disk holder Bakugou threw and put it back in its bag. "Geez. These are borrowed products, so don't break them."

Bakugou didn't even wanna question why the person who came yesterday has all these. Traumatized by basically everything in her house, the blonde hero decided it was best that he just went to bed. Laying down in his futon, the hero made himself comfortable. He scrolled through the news on his phone before he slept.

Meanwhile Kamiko was at her desk. She turned off the big lights and only left the lamp on her desk on. Bakugou looked up from where he laid, to see Kamiko working on something on her computer. She had this weird pencil thing that wasn't a pencil, and she slid it across this board, and her lines started appearing on her computer. Is that how manga is made? He wondered. So this is why she's always so tired.

She had this serious look on her face when she draws. Her brows lightly furrowed as she carefully made each line exactly where she wanted. Years of practice had made her much more efficient at line art. However, each panel was a drawing of its own, with unique backgrounds and angles. Sometimes she had to erase and redraw to get the look she was going for. It's hard to connect her with the spaced out, sometimes goofy looking woman he sees around the city.

Bakugou didn't sleep too heavily, for he knew he had to be on constant guard. Kamiko wasn't very loud when she worked. In fact she never once got up from her chair. Bakugou woke up once around 4 in the morning, feeling the urge to use the bathroom. However when he opened his eyes he found that the lamp was still on. When he looked at the desk, he found Kamiko leaning on the desk, her arms as a head rest.

He walked over to her, to see her laptop screen was already blacked out. He didn't realize being a manga artist was this much work. He always thought heroes had the toughest jobs, but even he didn't have to sleep on a desk. "Geez..." he muttered. Bakugou pulled her chair back and carefully picked her up from under the knee and back. He gently placed her in her bed and pulled the blanket over her.

"Mmmm..." she groaned softly, causing Bakugou to halt. Did he wake her up? "Deadlines... Deadlines...." She said in her sleep, barely audible. Knowing she's not awake, he took a deep breath and finally went to the bathroom. When he came back, he turned the lamp off and went back to bed.

Bakugou woke up again around 6:30. "Hey, wa-" He stopped. Remembering the way she fell asleep on the desk, it somehow felt wrong to wake her up so early. Bakugou rubbed the back of his head as a soft growl rumbled in the depth of his throat. Ahh! So annoying.

For the first time Kamiko woke up before her alarm. It was this alluring aroma that got her nose tingling. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and let out a loud yawn as she sat up, ready to find out what exactly smells so good. Her eyes widened when she saw miso soup, tamagoyaki, rice, and grilled salmon. She had to slap herself in the face to make sure she wasn't dreaming. D-Did her mom come over or something?

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