22. Touching

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Somewhere in Japan, a tall slender man with onyx dyed hair and teal blue eyes stormed into a dark room. "Shigaraki! What the fuck?!" the man demanded the moment he slammed the door open. "Why did you sent out Nomus to Tsukuba?! Why didn't you discuss with us?!"

The room was dark, with the only light coming from a flashing television and the door that the man had just opened. A slim man with messy grey hair sat curled in a ball in front of the television replaying the same clip over and over again. "Dabi..." the man named Shigaraki turned around, his bloody orbs peeking through the hand on his face. "How many times did I tell you to knock before you come in?" His voice was raspy, and a little bit weak, but it held enough anger to give off a strong, dominating aura.

"I was gone for a few weeks, and I come back to this?! You fucking gave us away! Now the hero society are looking everywhere for us!" Dabi threw the newspaper in his hand onto the ground. 

"What are you so excited about? It's not like they weren't looking for us before..." Shigaraki turned back to the television, seemingly uninterested.

Dabi clenched his fist in annoyance. "Well if you accomplished what you meant to then I wouldn't be here! You sent a bunch of Nomus out without supervision looking for some girl, and not only did they not find her, but they were all killed by those damn heroes. Was it too much to send the crazy woman? Or even Compress?! Where were they and what were they doing?! Now the heroes know we're after her!"

"She's special.... If we're not careful then it's our men who will be captured by her. I can't afford to lose another comrade at this point," Shigaraki replied. "How are the things at your end?"

A low growl rumbled in the depth of Dabi's throat as he glared at his boss in annoyance. "I gathered about 2000 underground thugs. Those bastards are still under the radar for now, but they say they'll be ready any time."

Shigaraki let out a light chuckle. The video of a certain silver haired teenager kept replaying on the television, over and over again. Shigaraki watched as a certain blonde was stuck to the ground, unable to move, the silver haired girl towering over him. "Beautiful...."

"What did you say?" Dabi asked.

"Dabi....I've never seen such a beautiful quirk before. Even Sensei didn't have something like this. Complete control......Kh Kh Kh......If I have it....I'll be the God of this world!" Shigaraki laughed. "Then I can turn this world into ruins! HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Dabi's brows furrowed. There was a part of him that questioned Shigaraki's sanity. Sometimes he'd show incredible intelligence and strategic skills he honed the past few years, but sometimes it's as if he's slipping. Dabi could never tell what this man is thinking. "Prepare the men Dabi.... Soon..... We'll turn this world upside down."

It's been a few days since the whole kidnapping incident. With the help of some heroes all around the country, the police were able to track down the big organization behind all this and finally take them down. There's still no lead on the League of Villains though. 

Bakugou was cutting vegetables when he heard a sniffling sound. The man put down the kitchen knife and went to Kamiko's room. He peeked through the door to find the girl all curled up on her bed sobbing to a piece of paper. "Hey woman what's wrong?" Bakugou walked into the room, a bad feeling in his gut. Could that paper be a result from a medical exam? Is she sick? Does she have cancer? Did someone in her family die? "H-Hey... Are you ok-" Bakugou began to sit himself down on the edge of her bed but he was cut off by Kamiko's sudden outburst.

"AAAAHHHH! SHE IS JUST SO SWEET! I CAN'T!!! WAHHHHHH!" Tears shot out of Kamiko's eyes like a water fountain. 

What the fu- Bakugou snatched the piece of paper from Kamiko's hand. "THE FUCK IS THI-" It's a fucking fan letter! 

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