7. Cafe

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Kamiko was sure that Bakugou said that they'd change the nightly sparring into a weekly thing, so why is he standing in front of her school gates again?! This time he's in casual clothes though, so she wondered if he actually took her words to heart. "What are you doing here?" she asked as she walked up to him. 

It was already dark outside, and he was just standing there, doing nothing, staring into space. Bakugou turned his head over when he heard her voice. Kamiko immediately noticed how calm his expression looked. She wasn't quite used to him not having his usual scowl, and she couldn't help but admire how handsome he was.

Bakugou put his hand out, palm facing up. "Give it." 

"What?" Kamiko raised a brow.

"My phone, give it back," Bakugou repeated himself, curling his fingers two times as he did so. 

Kamiko's confusion deepened. "I have your phone?" she asked. 

"Yes, you do. Now give it back." Kamiko could tell Bakugou was starting to get a little annoyed by the twitching of his brows. 

"That's strange," Kamiko patted her pockets everywhere, and turned her backpack around to carry in the front. She unzipped the big pocket and flipped through her things inside. "I don't remember taking your phone."

"You didn't, Inazumari did," Bakugou said. Kamiko looked up confused. From the look on her face Bakugou could tell she wanted to ask, 'Then why aren't you looking for him?' He sighed.

Back up to last night when Bakugou and Inazumari left the hospital. When they were one block away from the agency, Bakugou reached in his pocket to grab his phone to check for any messages from Clearvo, who'd message him if he takes care of an event on his own. However, he patted his pocket and there was nothing inside. "Where's my phone?" Bakugou asked.

"Oh, you left it on the table in the office so I grabbed it for you. I put it....... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Inazumari grabbed his hair with both hands and let out a deafening scream, causing Bakugou to cover his ears.

"What the fuck are you screaming for?!" Bakugou demanded.

"I-....I accidentally left it in Iki-san's backpack. I was afraid I'd lose it if I kept it in my pocket or in my hand so I put it there, but I forgot to take it out....." Inazumari looked at Bakugou with both fear and guilt in his eyes. 

Bakugou raised his hand, sparks of his explosion crackling around his palm. His eyes were wide with anger and blood lust. In that moment Inazumari knew he should've written a will when he had the chance. 


"So you're saying it's in my backpack?" Kamiko continued to go through her things, but other than her tablet, pencil case, notebooks, computer, mouse, she doesn't see anything that doesn't belong there. "Hold on," she seemed to think of something. She then unzipped the small, outer most pocket near the bottom of the bag, the one she never uses. "Ah, it really is here!"

Bakugou snatched his phone out of Kamiko's hand. Rude... He clicked on the power button but the screen stayed black. The man then clicked his tongue and furrowed his brows as he pulled out a portable charger and cord out of his pocket and started charging his phone. 

Kamiko raised a brow. "Wow, you're more careful than I thought," Kamiko remarked. She didn't take Bakugou for the guy who comes prepared, but more of a guy who does whatever pleases him and whatever comes to mind. 

Bakugou glanced at her with a frown on his face. His annoyed looking red eyes met her intrigued, big, cold grey ones. His eyes trailed downward, and then  back up, giving her a good scan. "Did you....sleep well?" 

[BNHA] Fight Me! Protect Me! Love Me! | Bakugou Katsuki  x OCWhere stories live. Discover now