19. Shopping

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Almost a month passed by peacefully with Kamiko under the protection of the Ground Zero Hero Agency. There were some inconveniences at first with being under constant surveillance, which includes the lack of freedom to go places without the company of a hero, as well as having to move her work station around constantly between the agency, home, and school.

Fortunately Kamiko only needs her computer and a tablet to work on her manga, so when she's at the agency, she mainly works on her manga, while she does her schoolwork either at school or at home when she's being watched over by Bakugou.

Living with Bakugou has been surprisingly more beneficial than anything else. Except there was that one time...

"Hey shitty woman where are the-" Bakugou opened the bedroom door and immediately halted when he found Kamiko in nothing but her undergarments. She had her arms in her tank top but hadn't put it over her head yet. Blood instantly rushed to his face and his eyes were immediately drawn to her-

"Aaahhhh! Get out!" Kamiko screamed as she grabbed the nearest manga near her and threw it at Bakugou. The book smacked Bakugou right in his forehead, sending the man stumbling backwards.

"WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN?!" He shouted.

"That's my line! Haven't you heard of knocking?! Now close the damn door!" Kamiko screamed at him.

Ever since then they set up an "always knock" rule. And beyond that incident, Bakugou had been very professional, and a great addition to Kamiko's life. In fact, ever since Bakugou started living with Kamiko, she has found herself in a much better physical condition than before. Eating three healthy meals a day really improved her energy level throughout her days.

"I'm done with the shower, you're turn." Kamiko walked out of the bathroom with a pink towel draping over her wet hair.

"When I finish this," Bakugou replied.

"Wait, is that the last popsicle?!" Kamiko exclaimed when she saw the thing in his hand. "I wanted that!"

"Fuck off. I paid for it!" Bakugou growled at her as he shifted the hand he held the popsicle with away from her protectively. It was mid-June and the temperature has gotten significantly high, and the air was quite humid too. Bakugou and Kamiko literally blast the air conditioning to keep themselves sane.

Kamiko let out a mix of a groan and a whining noise as she plopped down on her bed, flopping around like a three year old. "Stop acting like a fucking toddler, you're getting everything wet!" Bakugou shouted.

"Why do you care?! It's not like you're the one sleeping on it!" Kamiko retorted.

"Because you're the one that's gonna whine and complain about it all night long while I try to sleep!"

"Fair point." The woman got up from her bed and grabbed the blow dryer from the drawer in her desk. She normally lets her hair air dry, but in this humid weather, that was near impossible. Bakugou finished his popsicle and popped the stick into the trash can before he made his way into the showers.

When Bakugou got out of the shower he walked into the bedroom to find Kamiko watching gay porn on mute, flipping through scenes to find a "nice camera angle."

"Oh my god not that shit again...." Bakugou muttered.

"Come on you should join me! It's very educating," Kamiko chuckled as she turned around from her desk, pausing the video on a very graphic moment.

"How the fuck is two guys fucking each other educating?" Bakugou frowned.

"Well I meant it in the filmography aspect of it. This studio actually takes the filming very seriously. Some studios just put the camera on a table and have some guys fuck, but this studio catches it from all sorts of angles, and really goes for that movie production kind of style. Lemme show you! Like, right here, they film from above, whereas here, they film from below to really get a first person point of view-"

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