51. Jealous

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"Stop right there!" Kirishima shouted as they chased after the villain. He heard a few loud booms and with a puff of hot smoke that smelled like burnt sugar, Bakugou passed right by him. 

"FUCKING DIE!" Bakugou screamed as he was about to catch up to the villain. Just as he was about to reach the man however, these weird, thick, rubber-like ropes suddenly appear out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around the man, tripping him and pinning him to the ground. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari came to a hault. Their eyes followed the strange rubber towards its source to their right. Kaminari's jaws dropped to the ground when he saw a golden blonde with massive breasts barely covered in her royal blue body suit. 

Her suit was a tight turtleneck royal blue body suit, except the suit is cut open in a diamond shape at the center, revealing more than half of her breasts as well as her stomach. Kaminari gulped loudly as he tried to collect himself and force the blush on his face to go down. This is wrong. This is so wrong. He literally spent all three years of high school with Momo, who also shows the front of her skin like that, but this girl... Not only is her front showing, but she also has slits on both sides of her body, running down and stopping right at the hips. And her legs..... What's up with those lacy tights? Is this serious not a violation of the costume regulations? Kaminari's eyes trailed upward to see the girl's big blue eyes and long eyelashes. Is she wearing makeup?!

 Kirishima was also a little flustered, but not as bad as Kaminari. Bakugou's eyes were on her hand, for the rubber tying the villain down just so happened to be her elongated fingers. "Who are you?" Bakugou asked. He has been in this city for two years and he knows almost all the heroes here. Despite deeming them as extras, he at least keeps tabs on which heroes are responsible for which areas of the city, and he's never seen this one before.

"It's my first day on the job. Nice to meet you, I'm Rubber Girl!" The girl winked at Bakugou and blew a kiss at him. Reporters started filing in, flashing their cameras at the new heroine who made her debut. Bakugou clicked his tongue. He was clearly going in for the capture, and the girl over there calculated the exact timing to steal the villain from him... He knew exactly what this was. This was a common tactic used by third rated heroes to get clout. They steal the spotlight from popular heroes to turn the media's attention on them. 

"Whatever..." Bakugou turned around. In the end, Rubber Girl is going to get credit for the capture, so there's no point in staying. Plus, Kamiko is still back in the office. 

"Wait! Ground Zero!" Rubber Girl passed by the reporters and stood right in front of him. Bakugou noticed she no longer had the villain in her control, and his eyes trailed to the police who were currently detaining the villain and putting him in a police car. Then he glanced back at the blonde in front of him. "Are you mad that I caught the villain? I only just saw you going in for him after I already made a move... You know...heroes often act before they can think, so..." 

Bakugou frowned at her. Obviously he's pissed, but as a hero he can't go admitting that. The first year as a new hero he made the mistake of saying everything on his mind, to the point where he got his agency in a lot of trouble. Ever since Inazumari became his manager, Bakugou learned what to say and what not to say in front of the media. Although he hates pretending, sometimes as a hero you do have to keep up the appearance. "No," he said through gritted teeth. This was the best he can do. Any sane person can tell that Bakugou was furious, but Rubber Girl just beamed at him, as if she truly believed him.

"Thank you so much! I'm so excited to work in this city with such an amazing hero like you! Please take care of me from now on!" She placed a hand out to him. Bakugou stared at her hand, and looked up, to see her raising a brow at him invitingly. He groaned as he put his hand in hers and gave it a firm shake. Suddenly she pulled him close and wrapped one arm around his waist and  posed for the camera. "Now say cheese!" She held up her free hand in a peace sign and let the cameramen flash their machines at them.  

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