6. Not Okay

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Once again, students crowded around the Meihan University gates, taking pictures of Ground Zero, who stood in front of the gates, seemingly waiting for someone.

"Kamiko, he's here again," a black haired twenty year old student whispered to the girl beside him.

Kamiko replied, "Yes, I can tell."

"Be honest with me, are you in trouble? Why is the hero coming to get you every day?" Her friend asked.

Kamiko shook her head and sighed. "I wish...." At least she wouldn't have to fight a pro hero everyday if she was being kept on watch.

Her friend gave her a concerned look. "Are you gonna be okay? You don't look so good. In fact you've been looking like shit for the past few weeks. Are you sure you're fine?"

"Haha.... Gee thanks..." Kamiko responded to the 'looks like shit' part. "But I'll be fine.   You should be worrying about yourself. The Modern Art History research paper is due soon, did you finish?"

"Ahhh! I'm still haven't even started! Thanks for reminding me!" the man clutched his head in panic.

"Goood luck with that." Kamiko waved goodbye as she walked out of the school gates. Bakugou's head lifted when he saw her. Kamiko flashed him a courteous smile. "You know you really don't have to come all the way to blockade me in front of my school everyday. I'm not gonna break my promise."

"You ran away yesterday," Bakugou reminded her.

"There...is a logical reason for that but I'm in the middle of making it up." Kamiko made a twirling motion with her hand as she spoke. "But seriously do you have to come get me in front of such a big crowd? My friends already think I'm on trouble or something?" She tries to hide her face with her backpack.

"Ha?! Why should it care about what your friends think?" Bakugou demanded. Ugh... Typical, Kamiko rolled her eyes. "Let's go." Bakugou grabbed her by the collar and dragged her down the street. 

The onlookers were very intrigued as the two of them walked on in a series of "let go" and "you're choking me". 

Eventually Bakugou let go of her, and the two of them were just walking down the streets together. Somehow people just can't seem to get over heroes. In modern society it is literally just another occupation but people treat heroes like celebrities!

"Hey Ground Zero!"

"I'm cheering for you!"

Kamiko let out a small 'ugh' as she rubbed her temple. She was starting to feel a little light headed. The good thing was Bakugou's agency wasn't far from her school, but the bad thing was they were surrounded by fans. Bakugou isn't a fan service kinda guy. It's not that he doesn't give fan service its that he has a particular attitude towards it.

"Ground Zero can we get a picture?" a girl asked.


"Pleaseee! I really like you, just a selfie!"

"-Ngh.... Fine....." Bakugou made a peace pose and a seemingly annoyed scowl on his face.

"Pfft!" Kamiko covered her mouth to muffle her chuckle. What a tsundere. Yes. It was basically established and a pretty well known fact that Ground Zero is a tsundere when it comes to his fans. He enjoys the attention but he doesn't want to show it. And then Chargebolt called him out for it on national television. That was pretty funny.

"Ground Zero can you sign this for me?" A boy held up his notebook for him.

Bakugou cringed. This notebook was giving him nostalgia and PTSD at the same time. "Ahem!" suddenly a person cleared her throat, catching his attention. It was Kamiko. She tapped her wrist. I don't got all day, her face seemed to tell him.

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