41. Uraraka Ochaco

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Monday, it was the day of the operation.  Bakugou and Kamiko prepared to leave the house. "Now be safe, Katsuki," Mitsuki said worriedly as she watched them put on their shoes at the doorway.

"Yeah, please don't overdo yourself," Masaru agreed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Bakugou rolled his eyes. 

Kamiko slid her backpack on and smiled at Bakugou's parents. "Thank you for letting me stay Mitsuki-san, Masaru-san. I'll be going now," she bowed at them.

"Oh Kamiko-chan, you'll be coming back right?" Mitsuki asked as she held Kamiko's hands.

"Um..." The young woman looked at Bakugou for confirmation. 

Bakugou replied, "We're leaving right after the operation. I still have work old hag. I'm not on vacation." Kamiko then smiled apologetically as she gave Mitsuki a shrug, as if saying, "There you have it." Mitsuki's brows twitched angrily, then she rolled her sleeves up and started smacking and yelling at Bakugou for being the rude bastard he is.

"Ahaha... Well, stay safe Kamiko-chan. Please feel free to come over any time," Masaru said to the young woman. Kamiko nodded and thanked him. Finally, after some more bickering, Bakugou and Mitsuki finally pulled apart and bid their goodbyes.

Once they were out of the house, the two young adults quickly got onto a cab and drove away. Kamiko waved through the window at Mitsuki and Masaru. When she saw Katsuki Nigou run out of the front door barking at the car as if drove away, she let out a light chuckle. "I like your parents," she said. "They're cool."

"Cool? You gotta be kidding." Bakugou crossed his arms.  

"I'm serious!" Kamiko said as she turned to face the front. "Your family is great." 

Bakugou's eyes softened at her as she relaxed into the seat. Well you can be a part of it from now on, he thought. Concern made its way to his eyes when he suddenly noticed the hint of sorrow in the depth of her eyes. A ghost of a smile played at her lips as she gazed out the window, but her entire aura looked awfully sad and lonely, to the point which it was painful to look at. He wanted to ask her what was on her mind, what made her have that look in her eyes. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, comfort her. But just as soon as it came, it was gone. 

Kamiko suddenly turned her head back towards Bakugou, and the moment their eyes met, her face lit up. He loved the way her eyes narrowed softly when she smiled. Her hair and eyes reminded him of the snowy winter, but her smile was like the hot chocolate, sweet and warm. "Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked. 

He quickly averted his eyes from her. Pink dusted over his cheeks while his brows began to furrow in annoyance. "I wasn't staring at you, dumbass," he grumbled. 

"Okay then."

They sat quietly the whole ride, each staring out their own window. Musutafu changed a lot over the past few years. Lots of new buildings, new roads, new railways. Kamiko couldn't help but become fascinated with how different her hometown had become while she was gone. 

It was about a thirty minute ride, and Bakugou lost count of how many times he stole glances at Kamiko. For some reason it became difficult to say anything to her under this strange atmosphere. He inched his hand toward her discreetly, but she was laying her chin on one of them, and the other sat on her lap. Bakugou groaned in annoyance at how fucking clueless she was.

Soon, they arrived at an apartment complex. It wasn't nearly as fancy as the one Bakugou lived in, but rather similar to the one Kamiko lived in, old, and slightly run down. "This is where Uravity lives?" Kamiko whispered at Bakugou. 

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