16. Phone

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"They're still out there," Kirishima said, looking out the window at the reporters blocking the entrance below. "I can kind of understand that they want answers but still that's kind of annoying."

"What do we do?" asked Kaminari.

"Hello? 110? Yeah there are some reporters around the Ground Zero agency, can you clear them?" Everyone shot their heads at Inazumari. Did he just call the cops on the reporters? The manager continued to speak to the phone calmly. "Yes.......Yes yes. Thank you very much." And then he hung up. Noticing everyone's gaze, he raised a brow. "What? This is how you take care of things legally."

"Mari-san, you're so cool," Clearvo said as he reached his hand out, and the manager connected his hand with the sidekick's in a low five.

Soon sirens started echoing down the street. Kamiko watched in awe at the irony of police helping out a hero agency. "Reminds you of our first year at UA doesn't it?" a voice said beside her. Kamiko looked up to see Kirishima standing beside her, grinning with his adorable shark teeth hanging out.

Kamiko chuckled, remembering the mass media that bombarded the school just to get some scoop on All Might.


Kamiko choked on her ramen when the alarm suddenly went off. "Warning. Level 3 security breach. Students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion," Midnight's voice reverberated through the public announcement. The silver haired teenager placed a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from spitting out the half chewed noodles in her mouth. She coughed a little before swallowing her food.

"What's going on?" she asked. There were screams in the cafeteria, and everyone started dashing towards the exit in a panicky motion.

"I think we should go too Kami-sama," Shinsou said, getting up from his seat.

Kamiko groaned, "I told you don't call me that!" She and her classmates started following the crowd, but due to there being only one exit, the students were all crowded together unable to get out. Kamiko and Shinsou followed along fairly behind the crowd, not fond of the idea of getting pushed around. "For a hero academy aren't these guys a little too scared about some security breach? I mean all of our teachers are pro heroes come on...."

"I'm sure it wouldnt be like this if everyone had an overpowered quirk like yours," Shinsou replied.

"Aw come on Shinsou you know your quirk is just as powerful. All you gotta do is make them talk to you and then you can tell them to shove a stick up their ass!" Kamiko said, walking in front of Shinsou, turning around and walking backwards. She motioned her hands in a motion as if she were holding a stick and shoving it upward.

"I really don't need the visu- look out!"

Before Kamiko could react to Shinsou's warning she hit someone from behind. "Shit! So-"

"Watch the fuck you're going you damn extra!" A spikey blonde boy snapped at Kamiko, and quickly walked away before she could say anything back.

"Who shoved a stick up his ass? Well for one thing you know that guy definitely isn't in the hero course. Not with that attitude," Kamiko crossed her arms.

Shinsou, however, narrowed his eyes at the blonde boy who walked away. "Actually.... He is."


Her eyes widened with realization, and she turned around to look at Bakugou, who was sipping his coffee and glaring at the clock. Was the boy she bumped into back then Bakugou? Haha.... Nahh, no way..... Her brows scrunched up and her lips tugged upward in a grin of disbelief. "The hell are you staring at?" The blonde hero caught her looking at him.

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