20. Arisa

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"How's this?" Kamiko asked as she placed the army green bomber jacket in front of Bakugou, checking out the color and style. Then she took something else off the clothing rack. "Ooh! This denim jacket looks pretty good too! It even has a grey hood!"

"Are you nuts? It's nearly 40 degrees outside. Who's gonna wear that?" Bakugou demanded. He thought they were shopping for Kamiko, but for some reason she's picking out jackets for him in a men's fashion store. Bakugou had to admit, Kamiko had amazing taste in fashion, and the jackets she's holding would indeed make a great addition to his wardrobe, except it's the wrong fucking season!

"Exactly! Why do you think we're in the clearance section?! It's because off season clothes get heavy discount! See this is 70% off!" Kamiko showed Bakugou the price tag enthusiastically. "I think you'll look cool in these! Try it on!"

"No! It's hot."

"There's AC. Try it on!" Bakugou clicked his tongue at her pushy behavior. She was beginning to remind him of his mom when she'd used to take him out shopping. He wanted to protest, but when he saw the look in her eyes, Bakugou gave in. He removed his hands from his pockets and ripped the bomber jacket off its hanger and threw it over himself. It fit perfectly. The material inside was smooth and comfortable. Other than it being a little too hot for this weather there was basically nothing to complain about it. It really flattered him, and brought out his bad boy aura. "See! I told you it'll look good! We're getting that!"

"I'm not buying a jacket I don't need," Bakugou stripped the jacket off of him and tossed it on Kamiko's head. The woman growled as she pulled it off her face, messing up her hair in the process.

"Don't worry. I'm paying for it," she informed. "As a thank you gift for feeding me the past few weeks." She placed the denim jacket back on the rack, and then bent down to pick up the shopping bags from Muji, Uniqlo, and a few other stores they went to.

Bakugou stared at her with a dumbfounded expression as she lined up at the cashier. After a few weeks of living with Kamiko, he knew full well that she's not exactly wealthy. Being a manga artist isn't exactly a very well paying job and it's not that stable. She also has to pay for tuition and her everyday expenses, so Bakugou rarely sees her buy anything she doesn't need. During their trip here, she mainly bought stationary and some household items to replace the ones that were broken or too old and dirty. She bought some underwear from Uniqlo, but that was basically it clothing wise. As much as it annoyed Bakugou, she mainly came here to window shop. He didn't expect her to go out of her way to get him a gift. Sure he's been the one managing their meals in the house these days, but doubling the serving size is nothing to Bakugou, financially or time wise. He didn't expect her to pay him back since he was essentially living off of her electricity bill and water bills as well.

"Alright! Here you go! Thanks for taking care of me the past few weeks!" Kamiko skipped over to Bakugou when she finished the payment. She handed him the shopping bag. Bakugou eyed the bag, then looked at Kamiko. She raised her brows, gesturing for him to take it.

"....thanks..." Bakugou muttered as he took the bag from her.

Kamiko just grinned before saying, "I'm hungry! Wanna eat something?"

"Like what?" Bakugou asked.

"Ice cream!"

The blonde man was at a loss for words. He thought she meant lunch. It's already past noon! And then she tells him she wants ice cream?! 

"Come on let's go get some ice cream! There's this really nice place in the mall that sells killer soft serve! They have crepes too!" Kamiko placed her hands around Bakugou's forearms, and started dragging him out the store. Bakugou felt a sudden squeeze in his chest, just for a split second, but it caught his attention. 

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