37. Kamiko's Shame

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It became obvious to Kamiko that Mitsuki was the one with the stronger genes after meeting Masaru, Bakugou's dad. While Bakugou's spiky hair style did resemble his father, he took after his mother in hair color, eye color, and even personality. While Mitsuki and Bakugou broke out in an argument for the god knows how many times today, Masaru just stood there by the side, trying to calm both of them down to no avail. Each time he said, "Please calm down" in that soothing and shy voice of his, he'd always get shot down by either Bakugou or Mitsuki. 

Kamiko slowly sipped her tea, trying to ignore the chaos in this household. For the first time ever, she was relieved that her parents were too busy to ever be home. "I'm so sorry about them. Here, let me add some water to this," Masaru came over with a kettle and poured some hot water into the teapot. 

"Thank you Masaru-san," Kamiko nodded at him politely. She looked towards the kitchen, where Bakugou and Mitsuki were still arguing as they worked on the dinner together. "It must be so nice to have such a lively household. My parents were never home, so my place was always really quiet." She brushed her teacup with her thumb, a sad smile played at her lips. Masaru's eyes widened slightly, and then his look turned into pity.

"Kamiko-chan, are you a hero too?" Masaru asked.

"Oh no, I'm a college student, as well as a manga artist. I go to Meihan University," she replied.

"The one near Katsuki's agency? I heard it's famous for its liberal arts and fine arts programs!"

Kamiko nodded. "Yep! I'm there for the fine arts program!"

"So how did you and Katsuki meet?"

Kamiko found the older man very easy to talk to for some reason. He had this soothing aura to him that made her very relaxed. When these sort of questions come out of her own father's mouth, it would almost always sound like an interrogation. "I actually know him from high school."

"High school? You went to UA as well?" Masaru exclaimed.

"Well, yes, but I was in the normal course so.... I didn't stand out much. Plus I transferred in my second year...." Kamiko scratched the back of her head.

"Tch.... 'Didn't stand out' my ass," Bakugou muttered in annoyance.

"Wait a second... I remember now!" Mitsuki put her knife down on the cutting board and walked over to Kamiko. "You're the one who beat Katsuki in the sports festival in his second year!"

"Ahaha...." The silver eyed girl glanced at her ash blonde friend in the kitchen who let out a loud annoyed growl. "Yep! That was me!" She twirled her silver locks around her index finger nervously. Oh god, what if they hold a grudge against me for it?

"BWAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING! I watched your match with him and I laughed so hard! You totally put him in his place! I love you!" Mitsuki threw her arms around Kamiko. "Your hair was much shorter back then so I couldn't recognize you. But now I remember! Masaru, remember back then I commented on how pretty her hair color was?"

"Yes, I remember." The brunette nodded. Huh? So they're not mad at me for beating their son up? Kamiko blinked a few times as she tried to process the situation. 

Bakugou clicked his tongue at how happy his mother was about his defeat. For years he had been haunted by that one match between him and the damned woman and his own mother dared to take joy in his trauma. Unforgivable.

"But why didn't you apply for the hero course? With a quirk as strong as yours it's such a waste!" Masaru said. 

Bakugou turned his head around at his dad's words. His eyes widened when he saw Kamiko's eyes trail downward awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Ahh, well..." she muttered. Bakugou recognized those movements, and he immediately stopped what he was doing. 

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