68. Out of Control

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As Kamiko stood on Ground Gamma, she could feel the nostalgia coming back to her. Although countless buildings were tore down and replaced, the general atmosphere of this place didn't change. "Ready?!" Ah yes. That familiar, impatient, angry voice.... All too nostalgic.

It's only been a few days since her wound healed, and Bakugou already has her ass dragged to the place they used to spar. She did agree to quirk training, especially after the whole kidnapping incident she agreed it was necessary to a certain extent, but now that she was actually standing here, she couldn't help but feel a little rebellious. All the years she told her parents she didn't want to train, that she had no plans to be a hero caused her to develop an intense annoyance to the word training.

Quirk training huh.... I did a little bit as a kid when I was testing the extent of my quirk, but.... Kamiko looked down at her hands. It wasn't very pleasant. Quirks are essentially another bodily function. Just like how muscles tear when overused, exhaustion of quirks also have side effects on the body. On paper, Kamiko's quirk side effects were marked as anxiety, but in reality, it's much more complicated than that.

"What are you staring into space for? You ready or not?" Before she knew it Bakugou was already in her face. She didn't even notice him walking towards her.

"Oh! Sorry! Yeah, I'm ready!" Kamiko tucked her hair behind her ears.

Bakugou raised a brow in confusion, for Kamiko seemed unusually nervous. Back when they sparred, she never showed this kind of uneasiness. "Hey, we're just doing quirk training. Why are you getting all nervous?"

"I'm not nervous," Kamiko grumbled. "But... Can't we just spar? I mean it'll help you as well."

Bakugou shook his head. "If you ever end up facing Shigaraki, don't engage in combat. Your quirk may be strong but we don't know how well it works against someone with multiple quirks. There's a possibility he has some quirk that can combat yours. So the point in this is to strengthen your defensive skills."

"Oh... Okay..."

"Alright, now expand your territory to as far as you can stretch it," Bakugou instructed. While Bakugou was a student, he learned through experience that quirk strength doesn't improve through combat experience and normal physical training, but specific quirk training where you push the limit of your quirk. Just like how muscles grow back stronger, quirks also become stronger when recovered.

A dark blue bubble expanded with Kamiko as center. The bubble quickly encased Bakugou, and spread so far to the point Bakugou couldn't even see the edge of the territory. The blonde boy couldn't help but remember the day he and Kamiko fought for the first time at the sports festival of their second year. Her territory encased the entire arena, even half of the audience were inside. However, compared to how far her territory now stretched, the size of her territory back then seemed like a small box in comparison.

"Nngh.... I've reached my limit...." Kamiko's voice was noticeably strained. Bakugou turned back to his girlfriend. Her brows were furrowed in discomfort, and her body trembled as if she were planking on the ground.

"Can you stretch it some more?" Bakugou asked.

Kamiko winced as she attempted to expand the edge of her domain, but about half a minute later the edge of the bubble came flying back to her. The silver haired girl gasped as the tensed muscles relax. She placed her hands on her knees as she gasped for air. Kamiko doesn't exercise ever, but the feeling of maintaining a large territory is almost the exact same as holding a plank.

Quirks are difficult to explain, and the activation of quirks are different for everyone. For Bakugou, using his quirk engages in his forearm muscles, and overuse will cause extreme cramps as well as muscle damage. Kamiko's quirk engages every muscle in the body, mainly the core. When she holds a small territory, the sensation feels like flexing the abdominal muscles, and the larger the territory the more muscles tense up.

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