9. Manga Store

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"Thanks Iki-sensei, a great chapter as always! I look forward to the next chapter!" Miyano Rina, Kamiko's editor, said through the phone. "But you know, as much as I love how you're focusing on the emotional development between the main characters, there just isn't enough 'omf' you know what I mean? Readers nowadays really don't care much about plot, they're just looking for something with impact!"

Kamiko sipped her coffee. "So you're saying I should add more sex scenes?" 

"Well......yes, not just implied bed scenes but you know....the thing. They wanna see the thing."

Kamiko's brows furrowed. "You guys censor it out anyways, what's the point in adding the thing in the first place?" she retorted. "Plus, as much as I love bed scenes, the main characters just aren't at that level yet. The sex scene I planned isn't until 4 chapters later."

"I don't think that's gonna work Iki-sensei. Think about it, you publish in a monthly magazine! 4 chapters later means 4 more months. Readers aren't gonna be waiting that long. I think you should incorporate a bed scene in your next chapter."

Kamiko hummed in response. "Then I'll see what I can do with the character development." After a few more exchanges, the manga artist and editor hung up on each other. Kamiko let out a sigh and placed her phone on the table. Akemi tilted her head at Kamiko, concern in her eyes. 

"Something wrong?" Akemi asked.

Kamiko sighed. "Do you know what a dick looks like?" 

Akemi spat out her coffee, spraying Kamiko in the face. "W-Well.....*cough cough*......" She wiped her mouth, and lowered her voice. "Miko-chan we're in a cafe right now, you really have to ask me that here?!"

Kamiko looked around the campus cafe; no one was paying attention to them. "So do you?"

"W-Well....yes....." Akemi replied, her eyes darting away from her friend. She has done the deed with her boyfriend after all.... Plus, porn is a thing, so who doesn't know what the man's private looks like?! "But why?"

"Miyano-san said I should include more sex scenes in my manga...." Kamiko complained.

"Well? I thought you weren't against sex scenes."

Kamiko brushed her thumb on her coffee cup. The bells of the cafe rung as more students filed in to get a recharge. "I'm not against it, I'm just not good at it. I can reference scenes from other mangas I've read but I can't draw an original sex scene...."

"Virgin problems," Akemi chuckled. Kamiko's brows furrowed and her lips fell into a pout as she flicked her pink haired friend in the forehead. "Ow!" Akemi rubbed her forehead. "It was a joke."

"I know," Kamiko's pout was replaced by a smirk. She sighed, bringing the coffee cup to her lips. "Guess I'll have to go watch some gay porn for inspiration." 

"Did you see the news? Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Chargebolt are forming a team, and they're all gonna be based here in Tsukuba!" a student from the other table said to his friends. Akemi recognized them as students from the journalism department. 

"Yeah I saw! I'm so excited. I mean Ground Zero is already cool, but Red Riot is such an inspiration!"

Akemi let out a long sigh, causing Kamiko to raise a brow. "Something wrong?" the silver haired student asked. 

Akemi's brows furrowed as she stared at the journalism students. "The League of Villains are back in action, and all those journalism kids think about is their man crushes." Kamiko blinked a few times, speechless at how serious her friend just got. That was when Kamiko remembered that Akemi's older brother is a hero who sacrificed himself in the Hero Villain War over five years ago. Kamiko placed a hand over Akemi's, giving it a tight squeeze.

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