30. Fever

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Kaminari raised a brow when he saw the package on Bakugou's desk. Bakugou rarely buys anything online, and this package delivered to the agency rather than his house. Curiosity made it impossible not to take a look at the name of the sender. "Hatsume Mei? Did Bakugou order a new gadget or something?" The box was small enough to fit in one hand, and it was significantly lighter than Kaminari expected. He shook the box around to hear a clattering sound on the inside. There seems to be another box in there. "Huh!"

"What are you doing?"

Kaminari turned around to see Bakugou who just arrived after taking Kamiko to school. "Hey man! Just wondering what you got here! Did you get a new support item?" the electric blonde asked.

Bakugou snatched the box out of Kaminari's hand, glaring at his friend since high school. "None of your business." He took out a pocket knife and cut open the tape on the box. There was a folded piece of paper and a smaller box on the inside. Bakugou unfolded the sheet of paper to find that it was the manual to the device he ordered. Kaminari picked up the smaller box from inside. The smaller box was made of clear plastic, so Kaminari could easily see the inside.


"Give it back." Bakugou clicked his tongue, holding his hand out. Kaminari placed the box on Bakugou's palm obediently before the ash blonde could get mad. Bakugou glanced at the box, then back at the manual, reading it carefully.

For some reason Kaminari felt unnerving, not just a little unnerving but extremely unnerving. Normally Bakugou would scream at him or even make explosions at him when he takes his stuff. However, Bakugou just ordered calmly, almost as if he were afraid to damage the content inside the box. "What's it for? You don't have piercings," Kaminari asked.

"It's a tracking device." Bakugou opened the small box to take out two black studs. He placed them on the table and took out his phone as well. He followed the instructions on the manual Hatsume sent, and picked up the small studs one by one, twirling them around his fingers as if he were searching for something. Kaminari's eyes widened a little when Bakugou somehow found a button on the tiny stud, causing a small light to flicker. The ash blonde then quickly did some tapping around on his phone, and apparently the pairing was done.

"Is this for Iki? I thought you can track her through her phone." Kaminari watched Bakugou carefully put the studs back in the small box.

"Last time she almost lost her phone," Bakugou replied, clicking his tongue. "That shithead."

"Oh!" Kaminari replied. "But why are you smiling?"

Bakugou's 'smile' immediately dropped, and he looked up at Kaminari with brows knitted. "I'm not smiling."

"You were. You were smiling when you called her shithead," Kaminari argued. He pulled a chair from the side and sat himself down by Bakugou. "Okay this has been bothering me for a while now, but I think you changed. Ever since you started living with Iki, you became much more...calm."

"I'M ALWAYS CALM!" Bakugou slammed his fist into the desk.

"Okay I take that back." Kaminari laughed. "But seriously, I think you changed."


"Wanna talk about it?" Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows. Bakugou's brows twitched with annoyance. He shoved Kaminari by the face, knocking the hero to the ground. "Ack!"

"Fuck off!" Bakugou simply hissed before going on patrol.

Towards the end of the day, Kamiko started to feel a chill run throughout her body. Strange. It was the middle of summer, and Japan was known for its hot and humid summers, so why was she feeling cold? Regretting wearing only a t-shirt and shorts, she grabbed the controller for the air conditioning and turned the temperature up.

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