42. Hallucination

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It was dark. Under one of the street lamps stood a tall slim figure wearing a ragged white t-shirt and a black baseball cap. He tilted the hat downwards as he looked left and right. Then, he started walking down the street, having absolutely no idea how many people were tailing him. The tall man crossed an empty alley, and into another street, then he walked down the street for another fifteen minutes before arriving at a warehouse. He looked around one last time before tapping on the door to the side. The door opened slowly, and the man disappeared into the building.

"Is that the last one of them?" A voice traveled through the radio ear piece, broadcasting to everyone in the area.


"Then everyone get ready. On a count of three. One.....two.....THREE!"

At that moment the silence was broken by the sounds of explosions. The air was instantly chilled by a large glacier of ice. In the midst of the darkness one could make out a group of figures falling from the sky, landing on top of the warehouse...

Meanwhile Kamiko sat in Uraraka's apartment. Her thumbs gently caressed the teacup as she stared at the steam rising from the hot beverage and the leaves resting at the bottom. Uraraka noticed her constantly biting her bottom lip, her her brows occasionally furrowing and then relaxing. "Are you worried?" she asked.


"About Bakugou I mean," Uraraka added.

"No- I mean- Yes- No!" Kamiko's words made the brunette raise a brow. Kamiko paused for a second before sighing, "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

Kamiko nodded. "Honestly I don't know if I'm worried about him, or about myself..." And after she said that, she realized how rude that sounded, and quickly looked up at Uraraka to explain, "I-I don't mean I don't feel safe with you or anything! In fact I really look up to you as a female hero and you're amazing and I'm a big fan and stuff! P-Please don't take it the wrong-"

"Easy! Easy!" Uraraka placed a hand over Kamiko's, giving the silver haired woman a reassuring smile. "I know what you mean. Don't worry! I didn't take any offense at all."

The manga artist let out a sigh of relief. She interlocked her hands together around the Japanese style teacup, brushing the curvy indents as she explained, "The past few months, I have always stayed under the same roof as him..." Red started dusting over her cheeks, and she bit her bottom lip as she looked up at Uraraka, then back down at the tea. "Even though he doesn't talk much at home, it still feels...weird when he's not around I guess."

"Awwww! You miss him!" Uraraka exclaimed.

Kamiko covered her face with both hands. As much as she didn't want to admit, she was falling hard for the angry Pomeranian look-alike.

"E-E-Enough about me! Ochaco-chan do you have a person you like?" Kamiko changed the subject. And now it was Uraraka's turn to become flustered. The girl talk lasted for quite a few hours, conversations leading from one to another, and they even started gossiping about the relationship statuses of their high school friends. Since Uraraka had work the next day, the two called it a night around 12 a.m.

"Hehehe, it's been so long since I had a sleep over!" Uraraka giggled as the two laid together on her queen size couch bed. "Good night Kamiko-chan!"

"Good night Ochaco-chan," the artist whispered, completely unaware of the explosions and chaos at the other side of the city.

Bakugou sends an explosion into the air to counter the strange particles flying towards him, but the moment those particles came on contact with the fire sparks, a bigger explosion blasted right before Bakugou. The shockwave sent him flying backwards into a pile of gas barrels. "Ground Zero above you!"

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