15. Meeting

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That night, Bakugou had trouble falling asleep. He was exhausted since Recovery Girl sped up his body's healing process, so his energy was drained, but as he laid in the futon on the ground, the man could only think about the League of Villains and the events that happened earlier today. He looked at the girl laying in pink blankets, and he remembered the way she dangled in the air in the grasp of that Nomu. She really had no chance against it. She couldn't react in time. If Bakugou wanted to sneak and attack on her and blow her up, he could definitely do it. And that goes the same with Shigaraki. 

His eyes started feeling heavy as he laid in the futon, deep in thought. Soon the man fell into a light slumber, his ears constantly listening to the noises outside while he let his body rest. 

When morning came, Bakugou woke up naturally at 6 even though he didn't use an alarm. He crawled out of the futon feeling regenerated, and first thing he did was see if Kamiko was still there, and to his relief she was still sleeping soundly on her bed, like a newborn baby, so defenseless and carefree. Bakugou wasn't sure about leaving the apartment with her home alone, for the League of Villains might already know where she lives. However, he needed his spare hero outfit. He can't wear his torn one out in public today. She also had nothing in her kitchen that they could eat for breakfast. 

Therefore, Bakugou did the only thing that made sense to her. "Hey Shitty Woman, wake the hell up!" he hollered as he gave her body a light kick. Her bed was against the wall, so she rolled over and hit her back against the wall, letting out an 'oof.'

Kamiko opened her eyes groggily and painfully as she took Bakugou into her field of vision. "Bakugou? What are you- Wait.... What time is it?" she glanced at the wall clock with her half open eyes. Her squinted eyes made the time on the clock hard to read, so she rubbed her eyes to help her open them more fully. "Six a.m? Bakugou are you a geezer?" She groaned as she plopped her head down back into her pillow. 

Bakugou ripped the blanket off of her. "Get up, we're going." His voice was bossy and demanding. Kamiko let out a long groan. 

"Go where?" she asked. 

"Quit your whining and get your ass up!" Bakugou snarled at Kamiko, tossing the blanket back onto the bed, and turned to go to the bathroom to do his morning routine. Kamiko had given him a brand new toothbrush sitting in her drawers last night. The girl sat up on her bed and yawned loudly, covering her wide mouth with her right hand. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, washing away some of the sleepiness. Kamiko slowly got out of bed. Her legs felt weak, but she still forced them to drag herself to the bathroom. 

Bakugou was washing his face with cold water when Kamiko got there. He grabbed the towel hanging on the wall hook, making way for Kamiko to get in as he got out. Water dripped from the tip of his bangs, down onto the tip of his nose, then gliding down his face towards his neck, then slid down his Adam's apple and rested above his collarbone. Kamiko gulped. Oh shit he's hot. Once Bakugou was out, Kamiko closed the bathroom door to get herself cleaned up. She brushed the tangles out of her long silver hair, tied it in a low pony tail and began brushing her teeth. 

Bakugou rolled up the futon he slept in, and placed it back where he saw Kamiko take it out from. He then lifted her blanket, stretched it out and laid it back on her bed, patting down all the wrinkles. He crossed his arms and nodded at his work when he was done. Soon after he finished resetting the room to the way it was, Kamiko came back from the bathroom. She told him to get out so she could change, which the man complied and stepped out of the room. After a few minutes Kamiko walked out in a pair of black high waist leggings and a long sleeve pink sweater. She wore her hair in a high pony tail, and she carried a small bag with her wallet and ID inside. "Where are we going?"

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